Page 16 - FALL Sojourner Newsletter-11202020
P. 16

16                                                                                           THE SOJOURNER

         SEMINOLE  #373,  SP4  USA  Jim  Judovits,  Secretary  Protem,
         4145 Forest Island Drive, Orlando, FL 32825. Bro. Carl Penrod,
         Pres.  &  PGM  NY  Bill  Thomas  Commander  conducted  the  joint
         Zoom  Meeting  for  the  Election  &  Installation  of  their  officers  for
         2020. The Zoom Meeting took place on Thursday, June 11, 2020, at
         the  Casselberry  Veterans,  Casselberry,  Florida.  The  Installing  Of-
         ficer was Bro. Martin Schwebel, National Cdr; who lead the obliga-
         tion, charter exchange, gavel transfer, etc. Bro. Donald Wise agreed
         to serve as Pres. & Cdr. of both organizations. The officers elected
         and appointed are: Bros. Donald Wise, Pres; Keith Albright, 1  VP;
         Brian Zeppa, 2  VP; John Lucyk, 3  VP; Pedro Arroyo, Sec/Treas;
         Jose Saucedo, Mar; and Rev. Richard Black, Chap. Heroes ’76 are:
         Bros.  Donald  Wise,  CDR;  Alan  Cayo,  CoS;  Chester  King,  ACoS;
         Jose Saucedo, OoD; and Pedro Arroyo, Adj. There were 18 members
         attending the joint Zoom Meeting.
          President  Donald  Wise  opened  our  Monthly  Meeting  on  the
         ZOOM System on July 9, 2020 with everyone safe at home. National
         Commander Martin Schwebel delivered the Toast to The Flag. Presi-
                          dent  Don  Wise  initiated  a  new  member  Eric
                          Klienbach pictured. The President also delivered the introduction to membership and the obligation. National
                          Commander delivered the Sojourner Medal Lecture. A discussion was held about moving to another location.
                          The health update was given on Pedro Arroyo PNC who is improving. There were 17 members in attendance.
                          Congratulations to our new member Corporal USMC Eric Klienbach All-Marine Boxing Champion 1985.
                          In accordance with our JROTC Award program, I was assigned to represent Seminole #373 at the Leesburg,
                          Florida, High School JROTC Awards Ceremony on 8 May 2020 and present the award to Cadet Laurynn M.
                          Lackey. However, due to the coronavirus problem, Leesburg High School cancelled the program. I was finally
                          able to arrange to meet Cadet Lackey, who was accompanied by her mother, on July 31, 2020 at the Leesburg
                          High School parking lot and presented her with the cited award. Except for myself, my Lady Doris, Cadet Lack-
                          ey and her mother, the parking lot was empty due to the school being closed.

          KIT  CARSON  #447,  CPO  Arland  M.
         Blackburn,  Secretary,  10409  Princess
         Jeanne  Ave,  NE,  Albuquerque,  NM
         87112-4243.  We  had  the  Honor  of  having
         the  Second  Place  Winner  for  the  National
         Sojourner  Essay  Contest  from  New  Mexi-
         co,  her  name  is  Betty  C.  Kang  and  she  is
         holding the plaque she received.

                                                 BRAZOS VALLEY # 378, Col Henry C. Hill, Secretary, P.O Box 10356, Col-
                                                 lege Station, TX 77842. On September 3, 2020 Bro. Laurence Potts presided over
                                                 the monthly chapter meeting. Bro. Henry Hill gave the Toast to the Flag. Ms. Ra-
                                                 chel  Altman,  Branch  Manager  for  the  Carnegie  History  Center  in  Bryan,  Texas
                                                 provided an informative presentation on the history of the Carnegie Library in Bry-
                                                 an and the special programs offered by the history center. We made a donation to
                                                 the Carnegie History Center. This is the first full meeting we have held in several
                                                 months because of the Covid 19 threat. Ours ladies were in attendance at this meet-
                                                 ing but we were unable to serve a meal based on Texas Grand Lodge guidelines. It
                                                 was a pleasure to get back together. The meeting was closed in prayer by the Chap-
                                                 lain, Bro. Clyde Collins.
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