Page 20 - FALL Sojourner Newsletter-11202020
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Veterans Day 2020
On Veterans Day, November 11, 2020, National Sojourners Pikes Peak Chapter #293 participated in a Veterans Day wreath laying at
Memorial Park in Colorado Springs. Individual veterans’ organizations laid wreaths at their respective military services or designat-
ed unit memorials. The event was organized and conducted by the Colorado Chapter of the Special Forces Association. The picture
shows Sojourner Past President of Chapter #293, Col Paul L Bailey, USAF (Ret) laying the Chapter wreath at the Air Force Memo-
rial dedicated to all who served in the United States Air Force in the Pikes Peak region.
Minnesota Masonry
Recognizes Veterans
The Grand Lodge of Minnesota has minted a new pin to rec-
ognize Veterans. With a small nudge from Minnesota Chapter
#25, National Sojourners, Inc., MW Grand Master Ethan Sea-
berg agreed to the development of the pin. The design comes
from our neighbor, the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin. Working
with them, WB Bob Selden, a 20-year U.S. Air Force Veteran,
arranged for the re-design and minting of the pin.
NP Bob Roth has, for several years, been encouraging So-
journer chapters to work with their Grand Lodge to develop a
pin always pointing out what Wisconsin has. Bro. Selden’s
thought was, having a pin of universal design would be easily
recognized and therefore more cohesive for Veterans across the
country, hence the similarity to Wisconsin and other states.
The Grand Lodge officer line, Minnesota Chapter #25, along
with our new Zenith Chapter in Duluth, MN will be handing
out these pins in open Lodge. This along with a short talk about
who we are as Sojourners and Masons could be all the encour-
agement that is needed to help our Chapters grow.
The Sojourner Winter issue will focus on Fraternal Relations and Bridge of Light
Activities. Submissions are due to by December 20.