Page 23 - FALL Sojourner Newsletter-11202020
P. 23
Vol. 97 Iss. 4 23
1973 to 1976 and was a member of tral NJ Executive Board, Northeast
the Committee from 1991 to 1996. Regional Executive Board, the Vol-
He was a member of the National unteer Fire Company as a Vice Pres-
Americanism Committee from 1981 ident and Phillips Barber Memorial
to 1983 and the Chairman of the Na- Hospital Trust as a Vice President.
tional Education & Training Com- He joined Masonry in Orpheus
Lodge No. 137 F&AM in 1962 in
mittee from 1993 to 1996. He was Stockton, NJ. He served as Master of
selected as a charter member of the his Lodge in 1968 and was Secretary
Order of Barrow Wheelers in 1974 for several years starting from 1969.
William Joseph Ryland, Sr. and served as a Chairman for several He served as Grand Master of New
30 Jan 1937 – 11 Sep 2020 years. He was elected to NASOCO- Jersey in 1996. He belonged to sev-
Past National President CO from 1993 to 1996, the Commit- eral other Masonic bodies including
Legion of Honor tee of 33 from 1994 to 1996, the Na- the Masonic Service Association
Brother Joe Ryland passed to the tional Trustees from 2003 to 2010 where he served as Commissioner;
Celestial Chapter above on Septem- and Honor Awards Committee. Bro. Allied Masonic Degrees where he
ber 11, 2020. Born January 30, 1937 Joe served as National President was a Sovereign Master; Society of
in Selma, AL, he was 83 years old. from 1999 to 2000. He was elected St Johns, Past President; National
LTC Ryland served in the US Army to receive the Legion of Honor in Association of Masonic Scouters,
from 1960 to 1988. He was commis- 2013. He continued to be active on Director; Red Cross of Constantine,
sioned in 1960 thru the Armored both the Chapter and National level Past Puissant Sovereign; Sciots,
School. Served in the 2 Armored until he could not anymore. Cards Clinton Royal Arch and Cryptic
Cav, 5 Infantry Div. in Vietnam. and Condolences can be sent to his Council; Trinity Commandery of
KT; Crescent Shrine Club, President.
He joined Masonry in Fountain Family at Katie Ryland 2956 E Del He was also a member of the Scot-
Lodge No. 191 in 1965 and was Mar Blvd, Apt 228, Pasadena, CA tish Rite (NMJ) 33o; the Masonic
Master of Rosemead Lodge No. 457 91107. Donations in his memory can Charity Foundation of NJ as Presi-
in 2000. He served as Grand Junior be made to the SEM Fund, 7942 R dent and Board Chairman in 1989,
Deacon in the Grand Lodge of Cali- Cluny Court, Springfield, VA 22153. and was active with DeMolay for
fornia in 2009 to 2010. He joined boys and the International Order of
Scottish Rite in 1968 then received the Rainbow for girls. He joined Na-
the Royal Order of Scotland Degree tional Sojourners in Grand Masters
in 1999 and his 33 degree in 2005. Chapter #996 on 28 June 2005 and
He joined York Rite in 1988, joined was a member of 10 other Chapters.
the Inland Empire Conclave Order of He served as President of Northern
the Red Cross of Constantine in New Jersey Chapter #42 in 2009-
2002, served as Most Illustrious 2010 and Grand Masters Chapter
Grand Master of Cryptic Masons of #996 from 2012–2013. He served as
California in 2007. He was also a Commander of Gen. Hugh Mercer
Camp in 2011. On the National Lev-
member of several other Masonic el he served on the Committee of 33,
Organizations. Bro. Joe joined Na- Raymond Vanden Berghe, Sr. Fraternal Liaison Committee; Chap-
tional Sojourners in Ft. Riley Chap- 28 Jun 1932 – 24 Sep 2020 ter Chartering and Revitalization
ter #321 on March 11, 1970 and be- Past National Commander Committee; and Americanism Com-
came a Hero in Rimrock Camp on Brother Ray Vanden Berghe, Sr. mittee. He served as National Com-
September 12 1970. He served as passed to the Celestial Chapter above mander of the Heroes of ’76 from
chapter secretary for Ft. Riley Chap- on September 24, 2020. Born June 2015–2016 and was eventually elect-
ter #321 from 1971 to 1973 and was 28, 1933 in Paterson, NJ, he was 88 ed to Emeritus status. Condolences
the Charter Secretary for Pasadena years old. 1st Lt Vanden Berghe can be sent to his Family at 6645
#265 in 2004 to 2018 and was also served in the U.S. Marine Corps Summer Grape Court, Springfield,
from 1952 to 1956 and in the USMC
the Adjutant to both camps. He re- Reserves (inactive) from 1956 to VA 22152-2512. Donations in his
ceived the National Secretary of the 1960. After the military he served memory can be made to the SEM
year award in 1973 and 2001—the with the NJ State Police for 31 years Fund, 7942 R Cluny Court, Spring-
only Sojourner to receive it twice. before retiring. He was also active field, VA 22153.
He served as Chairman on the Na- with his Church Administrative
tional Membership Committee from Board, Boy Scouts of America, Cen-