Page 19 - FALL Sojourner Newsletter-11202020
P. 19

Vol. 97 Iss. 4                                                                                          19

         NATHANAEL GREENE CAMP (Tinker #43). After several visits to the frozen waters of the “D” and extreme difficulty in his
         attempts to answer the interrogation questions of the officers and members of the heroes present MWGM of Oklahoma Bro. Bobby
         J. Peters was welcomed into Nathanael Greene Camp Heroes of “76.

         We  conducted  a  Bivouac  on  September  9,  2020  and  was  enjoying  a
         refreshing  restful  evening  when  we  experienced  a  loud  disturbance
         coming from gate #1. The Sentinel with the assistance of the COG ap-
         prehended an argumentative, very vocal, raggatively dressed individual
         who was immediately confined to the Guard house until Cdr Niehoff
         could schedule an interrogation. After intense interrogation by the com-
         mander and attending heroes. It was determined that the intruder was in
         fact a member of the National Sojourners, and eligible for membership
         in  the  Heroes  of  ’76  and  Bro. Thomas  Ray  Galbraith  was  welcomed
         into Nathanael Greene Camp.
           On October 14, 2020, the members of the camp were relaxing after a
         tiring  day  of  avoiding  the  COVID-19  and  exercising  all  the  required
         precautions when the Sentry at Post #1 sounded a resounding alarm, a
         ragged individual attempted to gain access to the compound. He  was
         quickly apprehended and taken to the guardhouse to await questioning
         by Commander Niehoff and the attending Heroes. After intense ques-
         tioning (with very few intelligent responses) and a few dips in the (D)
         Sojourner  Brother  Ralph  Konelick  was  welcomed  into  Nathanael
         Greene Camp.

         ALAMO CAMP (Ft. Sam Houston #17).  named individual above. He was placed in  merous questions a vote was taken and it
         A  raw  recruit  by  the  name  of  Gabriel  T.  the guardhouse awaiting interrogation. He  required several votes to confirm his hero-
         Garcia, was officially made a Hero on 30  was shabbily dressed and had been wound- ic deed. Bro. Garcia is deeply involved in
         September  2020.  The  members  of  the  ed  with  blood  on  his  arms  and  head.  He  the  Chapter  as  he  single  handedly  took
         camp had reported that there was a shad- barely made it into the camp to be interro- over the ROTC program when it was badly
         owy  unshaven,  bloody  figure  lurking  gated.  He  was  placed  before  the  Com- needed.  Bro.  Garcia  is  a  strong  Mason
         around the camp area with a cane for sup- mander, who proceeded to examine him to  involved in the various Masonic Organiza-
         port, but they could not determine what it  see  what  his  intensions  were. He initially  tion in the San Antonio, Texas area and is
         was.  They  could  not  determine  if  it  was  could  not  answer  the  Commanders  ques- deeply  involved  with  his  local  Masonic
         big foot or a shaggy bear looking for some  tions  but  after  many  attempts  seemed  to  Lodge. He will be an important addition to
         food.  It  was  finally  determined  that  the  compose himself to come up with some of  Alamo Camp.
         subject  was  trying  to  enter  the  camp.  the answers. This resulted in him having to
         Whichever it was, made many attempts at  cross  the  Big  “D”  numerous  times  and
         gaining  admission  to  the  Camp,  and  the  finally, sue to the temperature of the water,
         camp became concerned. They finally cor- was able to answer his interrogators. After
         nered  it  and  as  it  turned  out  it  was  the  giving his heroic deed and answering nu-
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