Page 17 - FALL Sojourner Newsletter-11202020
P. 17
Vol. 97 Iss. 4 17
Chattanooga #540, LTC Albert E. Piatt, Secretary, 1721 Julian Ridge Rd, Chat-
tanooga, TN 37421-3321.
The Pandemic –
A Curse Upon Us
The Covid-19 Coro-
navirus pandemic is
still upon us and
probably will be until
a vaccine is certified
and administered
throughout the na-
tion. It is essential
that all of us take pre-
cautions to avoid con-
tacts with those who
can possibly spread
On May 30, 2020, we held our first ever virtual Annual Meeting, Nominations, Elec- the virus. Wearing
tions, and Installation of 2020-2021 Officers using Zoom Meeting. There was a total masks if you are near
of eleven members and eight spouses who participated in this historic event. The meet- other people, staying
ing followed the guidelines sent out by Bro. Bob Roth, National President Elect. The a safe distance from
standard opening was followed with Bro. William G. L. Turner giving the Toast to the
Flag and Bro. Richard B. Genter, Pres. leading in the Pledge of Allegiance. Bro. Al- people other than
bert E. Piatt acted as Chaplain to give the Opening Prayer. your immediate fami-
Since May 30th was the traditionally designated Memorial Day until 1970, when it ly, and washing your
was changed to the last Monday in May, the hands frequently and
Annual Candlelight Memorial Service was keeping them away
held to honor the 38 Sojourners and 14 spouses from your eyes, nose
who have gone to Life’s Eternal Camping
Ground since the chapter and camp was char- and face as much as
tered in 2003. This included the two most re- possible, are very
cent losses of Bro. Wayne E. Gunter, Past good suggestions, if
Right Eminent Grand Commander of Knight not imperatives or de-
Templar of Tennessee, and Sister Donna mands. The disease
Fouse, the wife of our Assistant Area Repre- can infect anybody,
sentative Bro Larry Fouse.
A Joint Installation of Chapter and Camp Of- but can be especially
ficers was conducted by Bro. William G. L. hazardous to the el-
Turner, PNP, PNC; acted as the Installing Of- derly and infirm. The
ficer and Installing Marshal and Bro. Albert E. numbers dead from
Piatt, PP, PC, acting as Installing Secretary and this pandemic are al-
Installing Chaplain. Bro. William W. Haley ready staggering and
was duly installed as the President of Chatta- mounting. This is not
nooga #540 along with his elected and appoint-
ed officers for 2020-2021. Bro. Robert J. Mat- to be taken light-
tingly was duly installed as the Commander of ly. My wish to all of
Joe Foss Camp, Heroes of ’76 along with his you is to stay safe,
elected and appointed officers. Both were vir- stay healthy, and if at
tually presented the Charters of their organiza- all possible, stay
tions. home until it is safe to
Bro. Haley and Bro. Mattingly made remarks
suitable to the occasion and the outgoing Presi- get out.
dent and Camp Commander, Bro. Richard
Genter was virtually presented with his Past ---Dr. Bernard N.
President and Past Commander certificates. Harris, MD, National
During the meeting virtual images of the Flag, Surgeon
Charters, candles, and the Bible with medals
were displayed on the screen, while the actual
physical items were being maintained next to
the Secretary. The actual Bible was opened and
closed at the appropriate times.