Page 22 - FALL Sojourner Newsletter-11202020
P. 22
In Memoriam
of 1952. He serves as chapter Secre- SS, LM(2) BS(3), AM(8) ACOM,
tary for Kentucky #134, Fort Riley JSCOM and others.
#321, and Alaska #355, and served Following his military career, he
as President of Fort Riley #321 in was the Director of Staff Develop-
1953. He was a Regional Rep from ment for the North Carolina State
1966 to 1970 and a Deputy Area Government. He was active with the
Rep. from 1962 to 1965 and 1971 to US Calvary Association, Church of
1974. He served on the Committee Good Shepherd, Episcopal, the Spe-
of 33 from 1967 to 1974 and on the cial Forces Association and the North
Honors and Awards Committee for Carolina Military History Society.
William F. Koeckert several Years. He served as National Bro. Ripley was raised as a Master
12 Oct 1925 – 26 Sep 2020 President in 1978 – 1979. Condo- Mason in March 1948. He was a
Past National President lences can be sent to his Family at member of Doric Lodge #342 in
Brother William F. Koeckert passed 3927 Windsor Road, Cleveland Grand Rapids, Michigan and of Gar-
to the Celestial Chapter above on Heights, OH 44121-2072. Donations ner Lodge #701 in Garner, North
September 26, 2020. Born October in his memory can be made to the Carolina. He was a 33 Scottish Rite
12, 1925 in Cleveland, OH, he was 95 SEM Fund. Make checks payable to Mason, a member of the York Rite
years old. MAJ William F. Koeckert SEM Fund and mail to National Of- College, the Red Cross of Constan-
served in the U.S. Army from 1944 fice, 7942 R Cluny Court, Spring- tine and the Royal Arch Templar
to 1965, he served in England during field, VA 22153, and include the Priests. He was a Past Master of the
the Second World War as an automat- name of the person (in memory of) Raleigh 500 and a Past District Dep-
ic rifleman, and commanded a tank in the memo line of the check. uty Grand Master of North Carolina.
company in Korea. After retiring he He was the Right Eminent Grand
was an Assistant and Associate Pro- Commander of the Grand Command-
fessor, a Dean of Continuing Educa- ery of Knights Templar of North Car-
tion and an educational consultant. olina in 2008. He is the recipient of
He was very active in his community the Order of the Purple Cross and the
being a member of the National Rifle Commandery Medal of Merit.
Association, Ohio Rifle and Pistol Bro. Ripley became a Sojourner in
Association, North Olmsted Sports- North Carolina Chapter #97 in 1953.
man’s Club, his United Methodist He was the coordinator of the ROTC
Church, the Ohio Historical Society Awards program for Piedmont Chap-
and many Alumni Associations. He ter #504 and is a multiple MIP in all
was raised in Euclid Lodge No. 599 Richard M. Ripley North Carolina Chapters as well as
in Shaker Heights, OH on January 3, 23 Aug 1922 – 17 Oct 2020 others outside the state. He is a Past
1952 and served as its master in 1975. Past National Historian President of North Carolina Chapter
He also served as the Past Treasurer Brother Richard M. Ripley passed #97 and Past Commander of Cor-
of M.W.&D. Assn for four years, to the Celestial Chapter above on nelius Harnett (North Carolina #97)
Treasurer of the Shaker Masonic October 17, 2020. Born August 23, and Guilford Courthouse (Piedmont
Building Ass. For two years, and a 1922 in Grand Rapids, MI, he was #504) Camps, Heroes of ’76. On the
Trustee of Junction City – Ft. Riley 98 years old. COL Richard M. Rip- National Level he served as the Re-
Shrine Club for one year. Bro. ley enlisted in the U.S. Army in gional and Area Representative of the
Koeckert was also a member of Asso- 1942 and was commissioned a Sec- Mid-Atlantic Area. He also served on
ciates of the Second Mile, Royal Arch ond Lieutenant in 1943. He served in the Americanism and Membership
Masons; Royal and Select masters, Europe during World War II in the Committees. He was elected to the
Knights Templar; Master, Wardens & 4 Armored Division. He was in Ko- Position of National Historian at the
Deacons Assn. of Cuyahoga County, res in 1951 – 1952, commanding 86 National Convention in Austin,
OH; Cuyahoga County Memorial Guerrilla Force Operations Wolf- Texas in June 2006.
Lodge, Scottish Rite, NMJ; pack. He was in the 199 Light In- Donations in his memory can be
AAONMS; OES; Royal Order of fantry Brigade in Vietnam in 1968 – made to the SEM Fund. Make checks
Scotland; Junction City – Ft. Riley 1969. He retired as a Colonel on No- payable to SEM Fund and mail to
Shrine Club; and the Shaker Masonic vember 1, 1973 while the head of National Office, 7942 R Cluny Court,
Building Association. He joined Na- JFK Special Warfare Center. His Springfield, VA 22153, and include
tional Sojourners in Camp Polk Chap- military awards include the DSM, the name of the person (in memory
ter #331 in Camp Polk, LA in April of) in the memo line of the check.