Page 2 - Sojourner Newsletter-Winter 2025_FINAL
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2                                                                                            THE SOJOURNER

                                      NATIONAL PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE

                            Brothers and Ladies,

                            At  the  time  of  this  writing,  we  are  in  the  middle  of  the  holidays.  Many  things  both
                            personally and Sojourners have been happening. Some of you may know my lovely lady
                            Carolyn had a big scare over Thanksgiving and spent 5 days in the hospital. She is doing
                            well and on the mend. We appreciate all the prayers.

                            National Sojourners is currently working on many projects. I would like to talk about each
                            briefly. First is the New Horizon Campaign. This fundraiser is meant to raise funds over
                            the  next  5  years  to  support  and  supplement  the  operations  of  National  Sojourners.  The
         information is on the website, and it is very easy to contribute. Currently, we have raised about $60,000 but
         seem  to  have  stalled  there.  For  the  very  small  percentage,  only  about  2%  of  the  membership,  who  have
         contributed, I thank you very much. So, you can see that if all gave at the Penta level (approximately $25 per
         year), we would raise enough to create a nest egg, and the interest would be used for years to come. PLEASE

         Two items closely linked to the fund raiser are email addresses and relocation of HQ. We have only about 2/3
         of our members’ current/active email addresses on file. If you have changed your email, address, phone, or any
         of your personal info; please do one of three things. One, get registered ON THE WEBSITE and update your
         information  on  the  Member  Management  System.  Two,  get  a  friend  to  help  you.  Three,  get  your  Chapter
         Secretary to help you. BUT IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THIS DATA IS UPDATED.  We cannot keep you
         informed of what is happening if HQ cannot contact you.

         Chapter  Secretaries, over the months of January/February, you should contact all your members and help
         them get their information verified and updated on the Member Management System. Chapter Presidents, help
         the Secretaries by getting a committee to help with calls. Updating each member’s information is vital to the
         health and welfare of your chapter and our Order.

         The other item is the relocation of HQ. A relocation committee made up of members from across the order was
         formed  and  began  meeting  in  September.  They  have  been  looking  at  costs  and  ease  of  turnover  and  are
         currently looking at properties in the Northern Virginia area near Manassas, VA. A briefing will be done at the
         MWM,  and  more  information  will  be  sent  as  we  learn  more.  Again,  another  reason  to  have  your  contact
         information so we can keep you informed.

         Our brother Bill Hickey, IT Chairman and Webmaster is retiring from his roles this summer. I am looking for
         one or more individuals to take on the role of webmaster and/or IT Chairman. A turnover can be accomplished
         over the next six months so contact me with the name and number of anyone interested, the sooner the better.
         A background in web design and WordPress is greatly desired. THIS IS VERY TIME SENSATIVE AND
         WE NEED YOU ASAP!

         See  you  all in  Omaha for ANC. There  will be lots  to  talk about  and much business  to  accomplish.  Every
         Chapter needs to be represented at the ANC. National Sojourners belongs to you and you cannot fix it if you
         are not involved. As you can see no one individual the National President, National Secretary, Committees,
         Chapter Officers can do their job without each and every individual contributing to the cause of Americanism
         and Patriotism. We can only hope to do a mediocre job. To do a great job we all need to be rowing together.
         Please grab an oar and help contribute with your time, information and financially.

         Fraternally yours,

         Carl Diamond, President
         National Sojourners
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