Page 4 - Sojourner Newsletter-Winter 2025_FINAL
P. 4

4                                                                                            THE SOJOURNER

                                        NATIONAL SECRETARY’S DESK

                                  As I write this report (December 10), we are one month away from our annual Mid-Winter
                                  Meeting (MWM), and I am hoping to see many of you there. It should be an interesting and
                                  informative event. We will be hearing from our National President on what lies ahead for
                                  the  next  6  months,  receiving  information  from  the  Relocation  Committee  on  where  the
                                  National  Office  (aka  HQ)  will  be  relocated,  and  many  other  reports  from  various

                                  As we approach the end of the calendar year, I want to take a moment to reflect on our
                                  accomplishments thus far in 2024:
          In the spotlight: Optimization
          HQ  established  a  mid-term  trajectory  that  ensured  a  positive  operating  leverage  (budget  revenue  vs  expense)  for
         recurring or consumption-based budget line items and support for critical growth-related projects.
          In the spotlight: Administrational

          Under  the  direction  of  our  National  President,  we  did  some  much  needed  “housekeeping”  the  first  part  of  this
         Sojourner year to include classifying 15 Chapters as “In-Memoriam” status. Brother Carl Diamond, NP, also traveled to
         Alaska in his mission to revitalize Chapters who could be saved, and we should all thank him for his efforts. Hopefully
         with the help of the Chapter Revitalization & Chapter Chartering (CR&CC) committee more focus and light can be shed
         on revitalizing Chapters, taking metrics where Chapters could be or should be, and helping to start up Chapters where
          In the spotlight: Organizational
          The HQ staff continues to tweak and streamline procedures and forms, automate complicated processes and labor-
         intensive  tasks,  and  outsource  to  maximize  efficiency  at  the  National  Office  due  to  budget  constraints  and  ever-
         increasing costs. Additionally, we made significant progress on all our major projects which I will address with more
         detail at the MWM.
          In the spotlight: Teamwork

          Thank you to all the Secretaries and Presidents of Chapters that actively participated, communicated, did what you
         were asked to do, and properly coordinated with HQ. This year we have achieved some remarkable milestones, and your
         contributions were instrumental in driving us forward. Together we can build a strong National Sojourners foundation
         for the years that lay ahead. Keep up the great work!
          Unfortunately, we still have a few holdouts that refuse to change, refuse to update their records, and refuse to accept
         change and technology. This will be addressed on a case-by-case basis in the ensuing year by our National Leadership.
          Important Announcements

          Our National Retail Store is now online on our website. Just click on the online store image and place your order! We
         have  already  received  7  orders  this  week  prior  to  advertising.  Join  us  in  celebrating  this  momentous  milestone  by
         spending your money ☺
          All Chapters (and National committees) now have virtual file cabinets (we call them eFileCabinets) for storing all their
         important documents at Chapter Secretaries should be utilizing this feature for ALL their
         Chapter documents (minutes, reports, etc.).
          Chapter Secretaries have the ability now to update their Chapter officer section on their Chapter’s Profile Page in the
         MMS. You should still update your CAR (Chapter Annual Report) with officer changes each year as always. However,
         if you have officer changes after you submit your CAR, you can make those changes on your Chapter’s Profile Page.
         We will be notified of the change, but it doesn’t hurt to also send us an email to

         Sincerely and fraternally,

         Mark W. Underwood
         National Secretary-Treasurer
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