Page 7 - Sojourner Newsletter-Winter 2025_FINAL
P. 7
Volume 102, Issue 1 7
By Edward W. Nolte, National: Historian
History of the Official Manual Heroes of ‘76
Have you ever wondered about how the Heroes Manual was created, evolved, and came to today’s Heroes
of ‘76? Here are the key dates and changes from 1922 to 2025.
• July 1922: COL Christopher Van Deventer, 33°, creates Bon Homme Richard Camp as #1.
• 1924: Heroes Degree is first “demonstrated” at the 4 ANC—it was a one-man show.
• 1926: COL Van Deventer and COL George F. Unmacht, 33°, were elected as NC and NAdj.
• 1927: Chief of Staff, Officer of the Day, Sergeants (2), and Sentinel were first elected.
• 1936 First-Known Written Manual: This version added the Lay of the Last Minstrel, Bivouac of the
Dead, and Ode to Warren’s Death at Bunker Hill in a “Little Blue Book.”
• 1936-Late 1940s Camp Manuals: Camps began to develop their own Heroes Degrees.
• 1951-56 Manual: A Committee delivered a “platypus” Manual—it looked like a beaver with fur, the bill
and webbed feet of a duck, claws, was toxic, and had two Degrees. The long version was 3X longer than
before, contained an opening, flag toast, Revere, and a PNC list.
• 1956 Manual: Not meeting with approval, the 1951 Manual was revised in 1956. However, the Manual
merely added the Installation Ceremony.
• 1961 Van Deventer Revolt Manual: COL Van Deventer liked the simplicity in his 1936 Manual, which
was lost in the 1951 and 1956 Manuals. It was decreed that after 1961, the 1936 Manual shall be used.
The "Little Blue Book" (smaller than today) was envisioned.
• 1964: COL Christopher Van Deventer, 33°, National Commander Emeritus, passed.
• 1965 Manual: The ANE reinstated the 1956 Manual but did not distribute it to the field until 1969.
Many Heroes had retained their 1956 Manuals, so work was unimpeded. This Manual limited bivouacs to
2 recruits—in years prior, 10-20 recruits were often made Heroes at a bivouac.
• 1969 Heroes Manual Committee (HMC): With COL Van Deventer’s passing, Heroes tried to mark on
the Manual via changes. The HMC limited changes, recommended some, and presented them to the
Annual National Encampment for approval. HMC initially consisted of three PNCs only. In 1978, the
HMC added NC, COS, and Junior PNC, and deleted one PNC.
• 1969 Manual: This was a reprint of the 1951-56 Rituals.
• 1971 Manual: Retained ritual intact but revised and added the techniques and procedures.
• 1976 Bicentennial Manual: Added the Heroes Medal, Guardhouse, and Monitor Lectures; a Degree
parts checklist; clarification of ranks; and detailed instructions to conduct the Degree.
• 1986-94 Large-Print Manual Test: West Point Camp (#494) created a Large-Print Manual, which
spread through Southern California. All prior Manuals had been smaller than even today’s Manual. It
contained instructions on performing the Degree and how the Order operated. This concept was tested in
1988-92 in several Camps before adoption in 1992.
• 1994-2015 Large-Print Manual (8.5”x11”): Although approved in 1992, it took two years to get the
Large-Print Manual published and distributed. It was not a new Manual, just a new size. When it
changed in 2016, it had been modified six times (C6).
• 2016 Small-Print Manual (5.5” x 8.5”): After a 15-year moratorium on changes, this Manual was
adopted and printed. Significant changes included making the Bennington Flag Lecture, Monitor
Lecture, and Charge mandatory (vice optional). This Manual enabled Honorary Members to serve as
NC, added Samuel Nicholas as a Who-Was-It, and changed the Purposes to the all-ranks version.
• 2025 Small-Print Manual: HMC will propose changes for ANE adoption. More to follow.