Page 5 - Sojourner Newsletter-Winter 2025_FINAL
P. 5
Volume 102, Issue 1 5
1) The Rise of AI: If you are on the internet at all, you probably have noticed a
significant uptick in spam/malware emails into your inbox as well you’ve probably noticed
a serious uptick in applications touting their use of AI to “help” you. All I’ll say about AI
is “caveat emptor” – let the buyer beware. While AI has great potential to help, it also has
great potential to confound. I’ll just leave it at that.
2) Gentle Reminder: The main website for National Sojourners is at Now,
this is the publicly viewable part of our website and while you might THINK you’ve logged in, you
haven’t. Up at the top there is a black ribbon with various links on it … go all the way over to the right
and click on “Members Area” which will take you to a page asking you to login with a username and
password. Once you do that, it will take you to the main member landing page where you should see a
count-down-timer at the top showing you the number of days/hours/minutes to the next major event
(usually MWM or ANC). At that point, our members have access to just about everything on the site
with the exception of a very few areas that are set aside for committee members only. Remember to
notify if you find a missing page or something that is amiss. The
more eyes looking for problems, the easier it is to get things fixed in a reasonable time.
3) SPAM/MALWARE/JUNK: be VERY vigilant and watch out for anything that just doesn’t “feel” right
on your computer. Some of these malware actors are getting VERY good at their “craft” – and when it’s
obvious they are using AI in their phishing attempts, it’s REALLY hard to detect the difference between
a valid URL and a malware URL
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Bill Hickey
NSI Webmaster
Can You Guess Which of These Images Were Made by AI?
Newsweek, By Pandora Dewan, Updated Jun 19, 2023