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Volume 102, Issue 1                                                                                       3

                                    NATIONAL COMMANDER’S MESSAGE

                               In  December,  I  had  the  honor  of  representing  our  National  President,  Brother  Carl
                            Diamond, as St. Louis Chapter #22 celebrated its 100  Anniversary.  Later in December, I
                            scheduled a couple of recording session dates to re-accomplish the bugle calls and create
                            an updated CD for our Order.  I hope to have the project completed by mid-spring and to
                            present  new  CDs/digital  music  files  at  the  Annual  National  Encampment  (ANE)  in

                            I am now anticipating a fourth National Sojourner Chapter to receive a Camp Charter for
                            their  newly  organized  Heroes  of  ‘76   Camp.    As  previously  reported,  in  September,  I
                            officially  presented  Pittsburgh  Chapter  #38  their  Charter  for  Isaac  Craig  Camp.
         Springfield (Missouri) Chapter #84 has recently received their Camp Charter from HQ for their Big Canoe
         Camp, and I anticipate presenting it officially to the Camp in January.  Mid-Ohio Valley Chapter #572 is also
         well along in the process of petitioning for their Camp Charter, and they hope to secure the name of Rufus
         Putnam Camp.  The fourth Chapter, Fort Stephenson-Firelands (Ohio) Chapter #571, is in the early stages of
         petitioning for a Camp Charter, and I look forward to a trip to Ohio in the coming months to officially present
         Camp Charters to those two Ohio Chapters/Camps.  It is truly exciting to see the energy of the members of
         these new Camps and to hear their future plans.  Congratulations to these new or soon to be Heroes of ’76

          As National Commander, I have the honor of serving as the Chairman of the Heroes Manual Committee
         (HMC), and I have had the committee hard at work the past several months reviewing suggestions for changes
         to the Heroes Manual.  In fact, a bit of the work has occurred during the past several years, but those previous
         proposed changes to the Heroes Manual had yet to be brought to the Heroes membership for adoption.  The
         latest  version  of  the  Heroes  Manual  is  dated  1  January  2016,  and  there  are  a  number  of  “housekeeping”
         changes to be made, mainly to the organizational section of the manual.  Only extremely minor changes are
         being proposed regarding the actual ritual within the manual.  The HMC has created a document that concisely
         highlights all of the proposed changes to the Heroes Manual, and that particular document will be presented to
         the Heroes present at the ANE in June for their review and proposed acceptance.  Unlike resolutions proposing
         changes to the National Sojourners Constitution and By-Laws, proposed changes to the Heroes Manual cannot
         be published in The Sojourner for review in advance of the ANE, as the Heroes Manual is for “Heroes Eyes

          To all Heroes of ’76  Brethren, thank you again for the faith that you have put in me by electing me as your
         National  Commander.    I  look  forward  to  more  travels  this  spring  and  to  bringing  forward  the  proposed
         changes to the Heroes Manual to those Heroes Brethren in attendance at the Annual National Encampment.

          Paul A. DeMerath
          National Commander
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