Page 9 - Sojourner Newsletter-Winter 2025_FINAL
P. 9

Volume 102, Issue 1                                                                                       9

                                         BRIDGE OF LIGHT COMMITTEE
                                                Charlie Odorizzi, Chairman

           I must confess that it sometimes is a little disheartening to be a Bridge of Light (BOL) member. We have
         more  than  a  dozen  programs  available  to  deliver  to  our  brethren.  Yet  for  some  reason,  most  Sojourners
         seemingly do not care to offer any of them. Of the 114 Chapters that completed and submitted the Chapter
         Annual  Report  (CAR),  54  chapters  recorded  zero  BOL  activity.  By  that,  I  want  to  emphasize  fully…they
         reported doing  absolutely  nothing at  all!  If all a chapter  were to  donate $10 to  a Masonic  youth group or
         simply send one of their newsletters to another Masonic body, they would have earned points. I would be
         willing to bet someone in your chapter learned to fold a flag somewhere along the way as a Boy Scout or in the
         uniformed services. Demonstrate it at your meeting, you are already there, and you’ve earned 2 points! It takes
         the slightest effort. It is incredibly sad to have scored zero points!

           We have some great Sojourners programs available, but they do no good gathering dust in a binder on a
         shelf. All of us must do a better job of spreading the word. Perhaps our brethren do not like the presentations
         for some reason. They might think the topics are not relevant in today’s world. If you feel that way, speak with
         someone on the BOL Committee and give us your input. What revisions would you wish to see made? What
         topics would you like to see addressed? We are currently working on a presentation about the contributions of
         females  during  the  Revolutionary  War,  as  well  as  developing  a  presentation  about  General  George
         Washington’s spies. Should we develop programs specifically based upon Black or Hispanic contributions?

         The Revolutionary War doesn’t float your boat? OK, then…what does? If I could give you a presentation that
         you would enjoy presenting to your blue lodge…what topic would you choose? What period of time would
         you choose? Remember, when we became Sojourners, we promised to support all patriotic aims and activities
         in Masonry, and to develop true patriotism and Americanism throughout the nation. We are not limited to any
         one narrow topic in these endeavors

           Last year in the Sojourner Magazine, I wrote an article discussing how easy it is to earn sufficient points to
         be  awarded  the  Odie  Howell  award.  We  pointed  out  how  minor  effort  could  easily  lead  to  the  40  points
         required. Yet, despite that explanation, a disappointingly low number of chapters showed an increase in their
         reporting for the award, and even those chapters increased but a few points.

           It should be unnecessary for me to tell you that if we do not recruit, we will cease to exist as an order. It is
         just common sense. BOL activities are, in my opinion, the fastest and easiest method available to recruit new
         Sojourners. Despite opening the ranks to lower-ranked enlisted men nearly a decade ago, our total membership
         numbers continue to decrease. We bring in far too few members to replace the many Sojourners called to their
         eternal rest. Many Sojourners have aged to the point they can no longer do the work required to carry our
         order,  as  they  have  done  so  diligently  and  faithfully  for  so  many  years.  Though  they  seem  irreplaceable,
         replacing them is our joyless task. To do so, we must boost our membership numbers, and the only way we
         can  significantly  do  this  is  through  BOL  activities.  The  blue  lodges  are  recruitment  central.  I  am  entirely
         sincere in asking you to contact me if you have any suggestions for BOL activities…new or improved.

           We must either grow stronger or wither and die as an order. The outcome is entirely our decision to make.
         Do not sit back and hope the committees stumble upon your ideas. I guarantee you have ideas tucked away
         that committees might never consider…ALL committees.

           Please feel free to contact me if you have any comments or suggestions about Bridge of Light. Our order
         needs you and every other member of National Sojourners to work together.

           Charlie Odorizzi
           National Chairman, BOL Committee
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