Page 20 - Sojourner Newsletter-Winter 2025_FINAL
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St. Louis Chapter #22 Celebrates its 100 Anniversary!
ST. LOUIS CHAPTER #22. On 9 December 2024, members, their ladies, and several guests celebrated the
100th Anniversary of St. Louis Chapter #22, which was chartered on 29 September 1924. The turnout for the
evening was quite nice, with a few Past Grand Masters of Missouri and a couple of current Missouri Grand
Lodge Officers in attendance. On display was a custom trunk with the official meeting minutes and
correspondence from the earliest days of the Chapter.
Brother Craig Stratmann, President of the Chapter, opened the meeting and ceremony in proper form, and
after pausing the meeting for all to enjoy a fine dinner, he introduced Paul DeMerath, National Commander of
the Heroes of ‘76®, for his remarks and to present a brief history of the Chapter. The National President, Carl
Diamond, was unable to attend, and he had asked Brother DeMerath to pass along his well-wishes and regrets.
Brother DeMerath did so and then briefed the attendees on the “New Horizons” campaign which is aimed to
raise funds for relocating our National Headquarters. Brother DeMerath then proceeded to present a brief
history of St. Louis Chapter #22, which was supplied by Brother Ed Nolte, National Historian. The following
is a summary of that history:
Trunk with original minutes Brother Craig Stratmann, Paul DeMerath,
and correspondence President National Commander
At the time of the Chartering of St. Louis Chapter #22, the National President was Amos A. Fries and the
National Secretary-Treasurer was George F. Unmacht. Both of these Brethren were active duty officers, and
both served in duties related to Chemical Warfare. The National Chaplain was John T. Axton, U.S. Army
Chief of Chaplains, and he was also active duty. There was no National Judge Advocate, National Surgeon, or
National Historian until 1927. Also, there wasn’t an “elected” National Commander of the Heroes of ‘76®.
St. Louis Chapter #22 hosted the Order’s Annual National Conventions in 1928, 1942, 1951, 1958, and 2001.
St. Louis Chapter #22, or members of the Chapter, have earned the following awards:
● The Odie R. Howell Award in 1997, 1998, 1999, 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2020 for significant contribution
by the Chapter to the National Bridge of Light Program
● The Past National President’s Cup for Development/Percentage Gain in 1995
● The Past National President’s Cup for Growth/Numerical Gain in 1995
● In 2017, the Melvin W. Byers Outstanding Secretary of the Year Plaque was awarded to two Brothers, as it
was deemed a tie. They were Brother Roy Ota, of Chapter #11 and Brother Dennis Fetter, of Chapter #22