Page 18 - Sojourner Newsletter-Winter 2025_FINAL
P. 18
JOHN SEVIER CHAPTER #548, Dan Rancourt, Secretary. Our
own Brother. Don Lannan, was awarded the Quilt of Valor for his
distinguished military career at a ceremony in Fountain Inn, South
Carolina at a ceremony honoring veterans on November 4th, 2024.
The Quilt of Valor is one of the highest awards a civilian can bestow
on a veteran or active duty servicemember. Don is the 1st Vice
President of the John Sevier Chapter
#548 and a member of the Kings
Mountain Camp of the Heroes of ’76.
The Heroes of Kings Mountain Camp
Quilt of Valor awarded to Bro. Don Lannan of the John Sevier Chapter also
conducted a Building The Flag Ceremony for the students of the Chandler
School, in Greenville, South Carolina on October 29th, 2024. The Pledge of
Allegiance and Toast to the Flag were presented by Brother Guy Palmer and
the narration was conducted by Brother Bob Griffin. The flag building
assistants were Brothers Ed Pool and Dan Rancourt. The flag building was very
well received by the students who especially liked the colonial attire!
KNICKERBOCKER – WEST POINT #13, LTC Jack H. Moore, Secretary.
On Sunday, 3 November Brothers from Chapter #13 met at
the West Point Masonic Lodge #877 in Highland Falls, NY
for their quarterly meeting and luncheon. After opening
formalities, President Pomerance and Secretary Moore
informed the Brothers of the New Horizons Campaign to
raise funds for our National Headquarters to establish a new
location for its office, as the current lease expires in 2025.
Also discussed was the upcoming National Mid-Winter
Conference in January in Charleston, South Carolina. The
National Essay contest was announced and members
discussed sponsoring another JROTC scholarship as we did
last year. Next on the agenda was the initiation of two new
Sojourners, both Marine Corps veterans. Our initiates were
Brother & Doctor Andrew Berry, a Clinical Psychologist
from the Albany, NY area and member of Mount Vernon (L-r): President Pomerance giving the obligation to
brothers Marrero and Berry
Masonic Lodge #3 and retired Staff Sergeant Andres Marrero
from Carmel, New York and a member of John Phillip Sousa Masonic Lodge #1192. Welcome and
congratulations to both new Sojourners!! With no further business, future meeting dates were discussed. It
was agreed that our next meeting would be on Sunday 9 February at the ’76 House in Tappan, NY starting at
1100. Guests and family members are welcome to join us for the brunch. Secretary Moore made reservations
for the group and reports that the buffet we enjoyed in the past is not available, but after covid only ala carte
menu service is available. Not as good as the “old” buffet, but still great food. Hope to see you there!! The
meeting was adjourned and a sandwich lunch was enjoyed by all.