Page 16 - Sojourner Newsletter-WINTER 2021-2022
P. 16
ALAMO CAMP (Ft. Sam Houston #17). A raw recruit
by the name of Lionel F. Cortinas was officially made a
Hero on 29 December 2021. The members of the camp
had reported that there was an unshaven, shabbily
dressed and bloody figure lurking around the area but
they could not figure out what it was. They could not
decide if it was big foot or a shaggy bear looking for
some food. It was finally decided that the subject was
trying to enter camp. Whoever it was, made many at-
tempts at gaining admission and the members became
concerned. They finally cornered it and it turned out it
was the above named individual. He was placed in the
guardhouse awaiting interrogation. He was shabbily
dressed and had been wounded with blood on his arms
and head. He was placed before the Commander, who
examined him to see what his intentions were. He could
not answer the Commander’s questions but after many
attempts he seemed to compose himself to produce some
answers. This resulted in him feeling the Big “D” numer-
ous times and finally, dues to the temperature, was able
to answer his interrogators. After giving his heroic deed
Recruit Robert McLoughlin and answering numerous questions a vote was taken and
finally the votes confirmed his heroic deed. Brother
ISRAEL PUTNAM – NATHAN HALE Cortinas is a dedicated Mason, is the Junior Warden in
CAMP (Knickerbocker-West Point Chapter his Lodge, and served his country in the United State
#13). On Sunday, 21 November 2021, Heroes Army. He has been assisting the Chapter Secretary with
gathered for their fall Bivouac at Trophy Point on data tracking. He will be a fine addition to Alamo Camp.
the grounds of the US Military Academy at West
Point. This is the site where the “Great Chain” OLD FRONTIER CAMP (Fort Leavenworth Chap-
ran across the Hudson River to Constitution Is- ter #154). The Heroes of Old Frontier Camp took ad-
land on the East side of the river. Five Heroes vantage of an opportunity presented by its relationship
were present for the initiation, to include Camp with the Armed Forces Scottish Rite bodies of Fort
Commander Ronald Buchholz along with fellow Leavenworth, KS. Both groups meet at Boughton Hall
Heroes Ted Jacobsen, Jack Moore, Howard Whit- on post and have significant membership overlap. The
man, and Ronald Pomerance. Recruit Robert Heroes have formed a degree team for the exemplifica-
McLoughlin was attired smartly with a leather tion of the capstone 32nd degree of the Scottish Rite of
Tricorn hat, bandages, sling, and cane. Because Freemasonry. Their uniforms add a reminder of the self-
he was unable to properly recite his orders and less service of those who founded our country. Everyone
accomplishments of our camp’s namesake, he is reminded of the ideals of both orders, and it reinforces
required several trips to “The D” before gaining the importance of the freedoms we enjoy in the pursuit
admittance to our camp. This recruit has been a of knowledge, the ability to gather to think, worship and
great addition to our Sojourner Chapter, and we govern ourselves in a free society. Five of the six mem-
are pleased he was successfully inducted into our bers of the degree cast are retired US Army officers who
Heroes Camp. belong to both orders and the sixth is a long-term public