Page 18 - Sojourner Newsletter-WINTER 2021-2022
P. 18

18                                                                                           THE SOJOURNER

                                                          On 6 November 2021 Light Horse Harry Lee Camp provid-
                                                        ed a color guard for hundreds of attendees at the annual Will-
                                                        ing  Warrior  Gala  Event  at  the  Lansdowne  Resort  in
                                                        Leesburg, VA. Hero Les Albers (Past Commander), wearing
                                                        his Continental dress uniform, led the audience in the Pledge
                                                        of Allegiance and then delivered the “Toast to the Flag”. He-
                                                        ro Aaron Irvin, in tricorn and mufti, carried Old Glory and
                                                        presented it to the viewers during the Pledge, Toast and Na-
                                                        tional Anthem, which was peformed acapella by a vocalist.
                                                        Brother Irvin has diligently cultivated a positive relationship
                                                        between  Old  Dominion  Chapter  No.  364  and  the  Willing
                                                        Warrior project. This organization “Provides cost-free retreat
                                                        stays and programs that positively impact wounded, injured,
                                                        and ill service members and disabled Veterans.” Brother Irvin
                                                        spearheads the Chapter’s efforts to support this essential and
                                                        patriotic service.
                                                        Pictured left: Flag Detail—Heroes Les Albers and Aaron Ir-

          JIMMY DOOLITTLE CAMP (Black Hills #422). On April 17  2021, one day from the 79  anniversary
         of the Doolittle Raid, the National Commander, Martin Schwebel, accompanied by Most Worshipful Jason
         Swindler, Grand Master of Masons of South Dakota, conducted the Chartering and Installation Ceremony for
         the Jimmy Doolittle Camp, Heroes of ’76 at the South Dakota Air and Space Museum at Ellsworth AFB, Rap-
         id City, SD. The Jimmy Doolittle Camp was formed under Black Hills Chapter # 422, National Sojourners®.

          The National Commander and the MWGM of Masons of SD with members of Black Hills #422 and officers
         of the newly chartered Jimmy Doolittle Camp pose with a B-25 similar to that used on the Doolittle Raid on
         April 18, 1942. The Doolittle Camp is chartered at Ellsworth AFB, Rapid City, SD a former duty station of our
         fraternal Brother Gen James H. Doolittle.
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