Page 23 - Sojourner Newsletter-WINTER 2021-2022
P. 23
Vol. 9 Iss. 1 23
NC Paul Pennybacker & Lady Nancy Pennybacker NP C. Wayne Barnes & Lady Floretta Barnes
13, 2021, at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia. It was a one-day
event because of Covid but was attended by twenty-four (24) Sojourners/Heroes and six (6) ladies, all of
whom are Camp Followers. There were thirteen (13) Chapters represented, including seven (7) of the 10 Fed-
eral Area Chapters. During the morning Conference there was a presentation on Leadership by Brother David
Bella of Old Dominion Chapter #364, followed by the formal opening, a highlight of which was the Toast to
the Flag given by Brother Frank Harris, past National President and Legion of Honor recipient. A representa-
tive of each of the Federal Area Chapters present – Old Dominion, #364 (host Chapter), Quantico, #44, Balti-
more, #7, Patuxent, #522, Shenandoah Valley, #543, Walter Reed, #303, and Arlington Hall, #440 spoke
about their Chapters. We then heard remarks by the National President, National Commander, National Secre-
tary-Treasurer, Chairman of the Trustees. Brother Harry Sanders (LOH) provided brief comments on the de-
velopment of the new National Sojourner Constitution and Bylaws currently being drafted. The Federal Area
Representative then made presented the Federal Area Sojourner of the Year award to Brother Barry Bartley,
Old Dominion #364, for his work in support of the Chapter and the National Headquarters throughout the past
year. We then broke for our Bennington Lunch enjoyed by all. Following lunch, the ladies remained in the
morning conference room and heard a presentation on the history of Fort Hunt given by Camp Follower Janine
Kovack. The Heroes moved to a Lodge Room where the Heroes Degree was conferred by the Commander of
Light Horse Harry Lee Camp, Brother Terry Gigure, assisted by Heroes of several different Camps in the Fed-
eral Area. Our candidate and new Hero was Brother Raymond John Vanden Berghe, Jr., son of our former Na-
tional Commander and Past Grand Master of New Jersey, Brother Raymond J. Vanden Berghe, Sr. Following
the completion of the degree, the encampment and conference were closed. It was announced that 42 FACE
would be held on August 6, 2022, again at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial.