Page 21 - Sojourner Newsletter-WINTER 2021-2022
P. 21
Vol. 9 Iss. 1 21
resounding success due to the hard work of the Committee of members and Ladies from Hunter #502 and Ft.
Stewart #396, the host Chapters. GACE was held at the new Valley of Savannah Scottish Rite Center. We
were honored to have National President, Wayne Barnes and Grand Dame Floretta, National Commander Paul
Pennybacker and Lady Nancy in attendance as well as NPE Denny Norris, N2VP/PNC, Carl Diamond, N3VP,
Dave Mahoney, PNP/PNC Bill Turner and Grand Dame Patti, PNC Henry Kuhn and Lady Doris, PNC Marty
Schwebel and Lady Joan, and Past Grand Master of Masons in Georgia Clyde Griffin and Lady Judy. It was a
close race between Brother Diamond (Omaha, NE) and Brother Mahoney (Sun Prairie, WI) on who traveled
the farthest to attend, but since they both flew, we’ll call it a tie! We were also proud to have representation
from all 10 chapters in the Georgia Area and fellow travelers from Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama, Florida,
and Indiana join us at our event.
On Friday night we enjoyed good fellowship and education as we toured the Mighty Eighth Air Force Muse-
um and ate dinner under the wing of a B-17 Bomber. What a wonderful experience!
Saturday morning, Area Representative Brian Coffey opened the Conference with introductions followed by
the Chapter Presidents or their representatives providing a brief report on their Chapter and Camp activities.
AR Coffey then provided training on Awards and Citations and the new Chapter Annual Report on the Excel
spreadsheet. National Committee Chairmen or members were provided time to discuss their committee activi-
ties and answer questions from the assembled Brethren. The Past National Officers of National Sojourners®
and Heroes of ’76, National Commander Pennybacker and the National Officers in attendance shared infor-
mation and words of wisdom, culminated by National President Barnes.
Following a traditional Masonic lunch, Commander Arnie Walker opened an Encampment of Georgia Hus-
sars Camp (502) and MG Samuel Elbert Camp (396) to welcome the visiting National Commander. The Camp
was almost immediately interrupted by a commotion outside the Sentry Post. When sent to investigate, the Of-
ficer of the Day reported that two scallywags, claiming to be recruits, had tried to gain entrance to our Camp.
The Commander immediately ordered that the infiltrators be brought before the Brethren of the Camp to deter-
mine if they were worthy of entrance into our Order. The character of both Recruits was brought into question,
but after a few trips in the “D”, refutation of charges and a LOT of “assistance” from the National Heroes and
National Sojourners® Officers in attendance, the investigations were completed satisfactorily, and the recruits
were found worthy. Brother Ken Porter, MG Samuel Elbert Camp (396) and Brother Joey Jackson, Georgia
Hussars Camp (502) were cheerfully admitted to the Heroes of ’76. Commander Walker then closed the En-
campment so we could all rest in preparation for the evening’s festivities.
At 1700 hours we reassembled in colonial attire for a social hour before the Bennington Banquet honoring
National Commander Pennybacker beginning at 1800. Brother Jarrod Coffey set up his equipment and took
portraits of the Brethren and their Ladies in their fineries. We began the evening with a prayer, and all partici-
pated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of our Country followed by Pipes and Drum playing “America
the Beautiful.” The Toast to the Flag was recited by National Commander Pennybacker. AR Brian Coffey in-
troduced dignitaries and Brother Bob Brooks PP/PC presented the Missing Man Table. After we enjoyed a de-
licious dinner and fellowship, we had a momentous Camp Followers degree presented by my Lady Wendy as
Den Mother, with help from Grand Dame Patti Turner, Grand Dame Floretta Barnes, Lady Nancy Pennyback-
er, Lady Joan Schwebel, Lady Doris Kuhn, Lady Kathi Ruiz, Lady Cathy Goldenberg, Lady Judy Griffin, La-
dy Maureen Warren, Lady Barbara Arnold, and Lady Cheri Johns. We inducted 12 new ladies into the fold.
Following the Camp Followers Degree, gifts were presented to National Commander Pennybacker and Lady
Nancy as well as National President Barnes and Lady Floretta.
Since this was the 20 Anniversary of the horrific attack on September 11 , we asked the following Brothers
to speak on their remembrances of 9/11: Michael Warren; Robert Brooks; Larry Hadwin; Walt Pelton; Arnie
Walker; Carlos Ruiz; Jarrod Coffey; Brian Coffey. Their presentations were very moving and emotional and
there was not a dry eye in the house. Our Brother National Commander, Paul Pennybacker, discussed his
theme for the year and gave comments of encouragement for the assembled Heroes and Ladies. Remarks were
made by National President, Brother Wayne Barnes. Results of the Silent Auctions and Raffles were an-
nounced, and many brethren and ladies went away happy. The night was closed out by Brother Jarrod Coffey
reciting the Tyler’s Toast to bid us all adieu.