Page 20 - Sojourner Newsletter-WINTER 2021-2022
P. 20

20                                                                                           THE SOJOURNER

          BG JOHN A. LOGAN CAMP (Jesse B. Thomas Chapter #547). On Saturday, September 25, 2021, at 5
         p.m., the Norris City Dairy Days Sesquicentennial parade started. It was led by the American Legion Color
         guard followed by a patriotic decorated float holding nine men dressed in Revolutionary War dress uniforms.
         Those on the float were members of either the Long Knives Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution
         or of the Heroes of ‘76 of the National Sojourners® Chapter #547, a Masonic Patriotic organization. I am a
         member of both organizations. The nine men on the float were from nine different southern Illinois towns –
         Norris City, Enfield, Carmi, Mt. Carmel, Metropolis, Benton, Anna, Jonesboro, and Marion. And the tractor
         driver was from a tenth town – Broughton.
          People put their hands over their hearts as the American flag passed and then started applauding. This hap-
         pened all along the parade route. The Sons of the American Revolution member from Benton remarked he had
         not seen such patriotism shown to a parade float before. The banner on each side of the float read:  “The He-
         roes of ’76 of the National Sojourners® Chapter #547 and The Long Knives Chapter of The Sons of the Amer-
         ican  Revolution  Celebrate  the  Founding  of  The  United  States  of  America  And  Sesquicentennial  of  Norris
          As the historian for the Norris City Sesquicentennial, I was proud of this showing of patriotism in Norris City
         and as a federal employee for 34 years. It also made me proud of my hometown’s patriotism toward our coun-
         try that I served for so many year. Standing in front of the flag of 76. The Flag of ‘76 was mounted on a metal
         board which was bolted in the front scoop on the tractor pulling the wagon of “Revolutionary War Soldiers.”

          SARS & Heroes of ‘76 who rode on the parade float – Sep 25, 2021. L-r: Patrick Haskell, Sons of the Ameri-
         can Revolution Dickey Mobley, Heroes of ‘76, National Sojourners®, Guy Wilcox, Heroes of ‘76, National
         Sojourners®, Edward Oliver, Sons of the American Revolution and Heroes of ‘76, National Sojourners®, Jay-
         den Pettijohn, Sons of the American Revolution, Jim Johnson, Sons of the American Revolution, Rossberg,
         Heroes of ‘76, National Sojourners®, Steve Haldeman, Sons of the American Revolution, Edmondson, Sons
         of the American Revolution
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