Page 24 - Sojourner Newsletter-WINTER 2021-2022
P. 24
Left picture: Bro. Bill Sanner, Area Rep., presenting Bro. Barry Bartley with Sojourner of the Year Plaque.
Right picture: Bro. Paul Pennybacker, National Commander addressing the crowd.
George Washington's Tomb at Mount Vernon -
Each year on 14 December, Old Dominion Chapter
#364/Light Horse Harry Lee Camp lays a wreath in
conjunction with Alexandria-Washington Lodge
No. 22 (VA). The Lodge conducted the Masonic
funeral for their Charter Master in 1799 and has
laid a wreath in commemoration of his death (14
December 1799) every year since. Pictured: Illus-
trious Brother Washington's Tomb and Brother Pe-
ter Cutler (Light Horse Harry Lee Camp - Heroes
of '76) looking over setup prior to the wreath laying
The theme for The Sojourner Spring issue is the Annual National Convention
(ANC). The key topics will be the resolutions and information for the ANC.
Submissions are due to by February 20