Page 17 - Sojourner Newsletter-WINTER 2021-2022
P. 17

Vol. 9 Iss. 1                                                                                           17

         servant. The team will be presenting the degree at the 2021 reunion of the Armed Forces Scottish Rite Bodies
         later this year. The exact dates of the conferral are dependent on local pandemic regulations, but rehearsals
         have begun. Pictures are from one of those dress rehearsals.

          The Master of the Royal Secret (32 ) Degree Team in Uniform: (L-r) Rick Reichert (33  IGH), Secretary
         Bruce Shopfner (32 ) Commander of the Col Louis Joseph van Schaick (MoH) Council of Kadosh, Herb Mer-
         rick (33   IGH), stage manager, Tom Dials  (33   IG), Personal  Representative, Steve Songer (33 IGH);  Vic
         Henke (32  ,KCCH, Master of Kadosh, Col Rupert Franklin Glover, Consistory.

         LIGHT HORSE HARRY LEE CAMP (Old Dominion #364).

          L-r: Terry L. Gigure, Charles W. Wagner, Worthy Matron, K.C. Fairchild, Lester H. Albers, Jr., Bennett R.
           On 4 November 2021, four Heroes of Light Horse Harry Lee Camp delivered the “Building the Flag” Cere-
         mony to thirteen attendees at Haymarket Chapter No. 123, Order of the Eastern Star in Haymarket, VA. Hero
         Bennett Hart, Quantico No. 44 and Samuel Nicholas Camp (also Secretary of the Civil War Lodge of Re-
         search), introduced the participants and superbly narrated the ceremony. Heroes Charles Wagner, Past Com-
         mander of Samuel Nicholas Camp and past Worthy Patron, and Les Albers (Past Commander, LHHL), in
         Continental Army dress uniforms, proudly assembled Old Glory. Hero Terry Gigure (Camp Commander) pre-
         sented the National Colors while Brother Wagner delivered a stirring rendition of the Toast to the Flag. Broth-
         er Albers presented the Star Chapter’s Worthy Matron, K.C. Fairchild, with the Bridge of Light certificate.
         This was a heartwarming and memorable patriotic event for all.
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