Page 35 - Sojourner Newsletter-Summer 2024 Final1
P. 35

Volume 101, Issue 3                                                                                     35

          Melvin  W.  Byers  #503,  Ponce  De  Leon  Camp,  Fort  Myers,  FL.,  Wilhelm  Llanillo,  President/Florida
         Regional Representative.  On 11 April 2024, Heroes of ’76 from Ponce De Leon Camp (Melvin W. Byers,
         Chapter #503) conducted the “Building of the Flag” program for presentation to the members and guests of
         Sons of the American Revolution (SAR), Naples Chapter, Florida Society held at Tiburon Golf Club, Naples,

                                                             Bro. Ed Lanham presided
                                                               over the program.            Bro. James Bolla recited the
            Bros. James Bolla, Arthur Pokorny and Gerald                                      “Toast to the Flag”.
            Pokorny conducted the building of the flag.

            (L-r) CPO Wilhelm Llanillo, USN(Ret),
            Pres. Melvin W. Byers #503; CSM W.
              Douglas Gibbens USA(Ret), Pres.
           SAR; Ms. Audrey Smith, Regent, NSDAR               (L-r) Bro. Acey Edgemon, CPO Wilhelm Llanillo, CPL Arthur
                      (Big Cypress)                       Pokorny, COL James Bolla, CPL Gerald Pokorny, SCPO Ed Lanham.

                                 Members and guests of the Sons of the American Revolution in attendance.
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