Page 30 - Sojourner Newsletter-Summer 2024 Final1
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KNICKERBOCKER – WEST POINT #13, LTC Jack H. Moore, Secretary. On Sunday, 5 May, Sojourners
from Chapter #13 met with members from Long Island Chapter # 86 for a joint meeting and brunch at the
Thayer Hotel at West Point, NY. 25 Sojourners and guests were in attendance. Chapter #13 President Ronald
Pomernce presented the JROTC Sojourner medal and a $250.00 check for college to Cadet Colin Monaghan
who resides in nearby Highland Falls. For the last three years, Colin has shoveled the snow from the Masonic
properties of West Point Masonic Lodge #877. The Senior Warden of the Lodge and fellow Sojourner, Robert
McLoughlin also presented Cadet Monaghan with an additional $250.00 for his college fund. Following a
fabulous brunch and buffet, Chapter #13 held annual elections agreeing to keep all Chapter Officers and
Heroes of ’76 in their current positions, with only Avery Toledo stepping down and Thomas Horn replacing
him as our Chaplain. Past Chapter President Ted Jacobsen recommended Master Mason & Army veteran
Edmund D. “Ted” Harrison for membership. All approved unanimously. The Chapter was honored to have
Brothers Tim McCann and Jon Wilson, our Regional and Area Sojourner Representatives join us along with
their wives. And finally, it was
agreed that our annual August
family picnic at West Point’s
Round Pond Recreation Area
would be our next gathering.
The dates of Sunday 18 or 25
August will be our primary
choices and once finalized will
be disseminated to members
ASAP. Following brunch,
Brother McLoughlin organized
a tour of the West Point
Museum & Visitors Center.
(L-r) President Pomerance Members & guests enjoying brunch at West Point’s
& Robert McLoughlin pre- Thayer Hotel
senting the JROTC Sojourner
Medal and checks to JROTC
Cadet Colin Monaghan
DETROIT CHAPTER #1, William Herlihy, Secretary. Chapter Secretary
William Herlihy was invited to be the Guest Speaker at the annual Dining-In
of the JROTC Cadets of Detroit Public Schools which was held on October
27, 2023. Over 150 Cadets, along with their instructors, were in attendance,
and who represented all of the high schools in the city of Detroit which have
JROTC programs. Following his talk, Brother Herlihy presented the Detroit
Public Schools JROTC program with a $500.00 donation from Detroit
Chapter. The check was received by Army JROTC Cadet Colonel Nathan
Watson of Renaissance High School, who thanked the Chapter for their
generous donation.
(L-r) Bro. William Herlihy,
Cadet Colonel Nathan Watson