Page 32 - Sojourner Newsletter-Summer 2024 Final1
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GENERAL JOHN STARK CAMP, Green Mountain Chapter #527,
Frederick R. Messer, Secretary. On Sunday, January 14 2024 Green
Mountain Chapter# 527 and the Heroes of '76 of General John Stark Camp
administered the Masonic Entered Apprentice Degree to four Norwich
University Cadets at DeWitt-Clinton Lodge #15 in Northfield VT. The
Heroes of '76 in their uniforms complimented the cadets and added pageantry
to the degree. The Worshipful Master presiding over the Degree was WM
Bro. Fred Messer - DeWitt-Clinton Lodge #15, who is serving as President
of Green Mountain Chapter# 527. Also attending as a Hero and Degree cast
member was RWGM Bro. Paul Mosher, Grand Master of Vermont. The
event was attended by many representatives of the Vermont Masonic
Community. Past alumni of Norwich University also attended, as these are
their sons who are now becoming Masons. There were two Masonic Brothers
who flew in from South Carolina specifically for this degree! The event was
Fred Messer as Worshipful Master well received, and everyone remarked on what an interesting day it was. The
for the Degree. degree was followed by an excellent luncheon hosted by the Northfield
American Legion Post
New Entered Apprentices from Norwich University. Heroes of ’76 EA Degree Team
On Saturday May 4 2024 Green Mountain Chapter #527 of Vermont
presented the ROTC medal to a deserving cadet who met the requirements
for our award. Past President Rob Connelly made the presentation to Cadet
Maximillian Paganini.