Page 27 - Sojourner Newsletter-Summer 2024 Final1
P. 27

Volume 101, Issue 3                                                                                     27

          CHAPTER NEWS

          CHARLESTON  CHAPTER  #28, Gregg H. Schneider, Secretary. Charleston Chapter #28 held its 2025
         election and installation of Officers at its monthly meeting on 23 April 2024. The National Commander of the
         Heroes of ’76 Bro. Brian Coffey, served as the Installing Officer, and our Regional Representative, Bro. Keith
         Stika, served as the Marshall. Over 30 members, family and guests were present.

          On the 27th of February, at our monthly meeting, Charleston Chapter #28 had Mrs. Patricia Schneider and
         the  Stika  Girls  (Shirley  and  Sandra),  from  the  Cobblestone  Quilters  Guild  in  Charleston  give  a  very
         informative lecture on the Quilt of Valor program. After their lecture, our President, WB Harold E. Trosper
         had the Marshall escort WB James Schaefer, who just got out of the hospital, to the podium.  Mrs. Schneider,
         with the assistance of the Stika girls, surprised Jim with his own Quilt of Valor.  Jim's wife was present.  Also
         present  in  the  audience  included  RWB  Keith  Stika,  Regional  Rep,  MWB  David  J.  DeChant,  PGM,  BG
         William  A.  Smyth,  the  Goose  Creek  Rainbow  Girls    Advisory  Board  members  along  with  many  of  Jim's

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