Page 38 - Spring Sojourner Newsletter-Spring 2024 Final
P. 38

38                                                                                           THE SOJOURNER

          RESOLUTION 2024-19 Continued

          Executive Committee: The Executive Committee consists of the National Line Officers, National
          Trustees, and Past National Presidents and National Commander. The National President and National
          Progressive Line Officers must meet with the Past National Presidents at each National Convention and Mid-
          Winter Meeting to review strengths, weaknesses, threats, opportunities, activities, and results to ensure the
          Order's success. When meeting with the Past National Presidents, the senior Past National President presides.

          ARTICLE V: National Officers
          Section 1. NATIONAL OFFICER POSITIONS: The National Officers are as follows:
          President, President-Elect, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President,
          Secretary-Treasurer, Chaplain, Judge Advocate, Surgeon, Historian, Board of Directors,
          Executive Committee, Judicial Commission, Trustees, Committee of 33, Honor Awards Committee,
          Sojourner Ritual Committee, Past National Presidents, Past National Commanders, and Emeritus

          Section 1. NATIONAL OFFICER POSITIONS: The National Officers are as follows:
          President, President-Elect, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President,
          Secretary-Treasurer, Chaplain, Judge Advocate, Surgeon, Historian, Board of Directors,
          Executive Committee, Judicial Commission, Trustees, Committee of 33, Honor Awards Committee,
          Sojourner Ritual Committee, Past National Presidents, National Commander, Past National
          Commanders, and Emeritus Members.

          Section 12. NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: This Committee consists entirely of members,
          who are already National Officers, with the National President as Chairman; National President-Elect as Vice
          Chairman; all other National Line Officers; National Trustees; and Past National Presidents as members,
          approximately 25 National Officers total. If a National, State, or local emergency forces the National
          President to cancel a National Convention, the National President must immediately inform and convene
          the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee acts in lieu of the Delegates at the National
          Convention to elect National Officers; act on essential Resolutions, as published and deemed essential by it;
          approve an Annual Budget; and conduct other necessary business normally performed at a National
          Convention. The Executive Committee, thus, ensures continuity of operations and continuity of
          leadership when the Delegates cannot meet. The Executive Committee must comply with the Articles of
          Incorporation, National Directives, Purposes, and approved policies of the Order.

          Section 12. NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: This Committee consists entirely of members,
          who are already National Officers, with the National President as Chairman; National President-Elect as Vice
          Chairman· all other National Line Officers; National Trustees; all Past National Presidents and National
          Commander, as members, approximately 25 National Officers total. If a National, State, or local
          emergency forces the National President to cancel a National Convention, the National President must
          immediately inform and convene the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee acts in lieu of the
          Delegates at the National Convention to elect National Officers, act on essential Resolutions, as
          published and deemed essential by it; approve an Annual Budget; and conduct other necessary business
          normally performed at a National Convention. The Executive Committee, thus, ensures continuity of
          operations and continuity of leadership when the Delegates cannot meet. The Executive Committee
          must comply with the Articles of Incorporation, National Directives, Purposes, and approved policies of
          the Order .
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