Page 18 - Sojourner Newsletter-Spring 2023 v.3
P. 18
Jack H. Moore, Secretary. With mild February
temperatures and no snow in the area, Sojourners
and their ladies met at the Old ’76 House on
Sunday, 19 February 2023 in Tappan, NY for
brunch and to celebrate Brother Washington’s
birthday. The Old ’76 House is an historical tavern
that was founded in 1686 and claims to be
America’s “oldest Tavern.” It too, was a famous
meeting place for Patriots during the American
Revolution. The basement of the ’76 House also
served as a prison where British spy, Major John
Andre was held and questioned by General
Washington for his involvement with General The Old ‘76 House
Benedict Arnold in the plan to surrender West
Point to the British. At the meeting, the Brothers
voted unanimously to approve a full page color
journal ad for the National Convention in
Pennsylvania this June as well as unanimously
electing Brother Ronald Pomerance as our next
President, replacing Brother Ted Jacobsen who has
done an outstanding job as our President for the
past 5 years. They also finalized plans for our next
gathering for Sunday, 23 April, meeting at the
West Point Masonic Lodge #877 in Highland Falls,
NY at 1030 am for chapter installation of officers,
lunch and a Heroes degree.
(L-r) Bro. Ted Jacobsen, Bro. Ron Pomerance
Attendees at the February Meeting