Page 10 - Sojourner Newsletter-Winter 2024 FINALv2
P. 10

10                                                                                           THE SOJOURNER

                                 FRATERNAL LIAISON COMMITTEE

           Any National Sojourners (NSI) relationship with the Masonic Grand Lodges (GL) is undocumented in the early years.
         No record exists that the Founders ever requested permission from the GLs of IL, MI, DC, MD, WY, or VA to charter
         the first seven Chapters (1918-22). It was apparent, however, that senior Masonic leaders supported National Sojourners
         Club activities in 1923, when Bro. and U.S. President Warren G. Harding was made a Sojourner at the White House.
         Present  were  Ill.  Bro.  John  H.  Cowles,  33°,  Sovereign  Grand  Commander,  A.A.S.R.-S.J.;  the  Grand  Master  of
         Washington, DC; several Masonic Congressmen from various Grand Jurisdictions; and obviously Brother Harding, the
         U.S. President and an Ohio Mason.

           A 1932 Resolution stated that many GLs do not know that NSI exists, even though NSI had 108 Chapters in most U.S.
         Grand Jurisdictions. The NP sent a letter to the Grand Masters of each U.S. Grand Jurisdiction informing them of NSI’s
         existence, but not necessarily seeking approval.  A 1933 Resolution stated that Sojourners are Masons and subject to and
         loyal to the constituted Masonic authority of the GL within whose jurisdiction each resides.  Perhaps for not seeking
         approval, the Grand Master of Texas prohibited the nine active Texas Chapters at the time from operating in Texas
         (1936-40).    Similar  prohibitions  occurred  in  Florida  (1948-49)  and  Nevada  (1964-Present),  although  for  different

           The  “Standing  Committee  on  Fraternal  Liaison  and  Relations”  was  established  in  1939  to    advise  the  National
         President and the Order on matters involving the Grand Masters, and their GLs.  This Committee was renamed the
         “Fraternal Liaison Committee” in 1971 and its focus was expanded to include Appendant Bodies.  Its Chairmen have
         included leaders of the both our Fraternity and the Order and include Brothers: MAJ William M. Brown, PNP, and PGM
         of  VA;  COL Alexander  J.M.  Wannamaker,  PNP,  and  PGM  of  SC;  Hon.  Julian  C.  Roden,  PGM  of  VA;  Lt  Col  H.
         Edward  May,  PNP;  LtGen  Herman  Nickerson,  PNP,  and  PNC;  RADM  William  G.  Sizemore,  PNP,  and  Grand
         Executive  Director  of  A.A.S.R.-S.J.;  and  Hon.  Edmund  Cohen,  PGM  of  VA.    Committee  members  have  included
         leaders of the following Masonic Bodies:  Conferences of Grand Masters, Conference of Grand Secretaries, Covenant
         General  of  KYCH,  DeMolay  International,  Hi-Twelve  International,  Masonic  Service  Association,  Royal  Order  of
         Scotland, Scottish Rite, Shrine, National Sojourners, and Heroes of ‘76.

           The importance of the Fraternal Liaison Committee today depends on YOU. The National Constitution and Bylaws
         requires every Sojourner comply with GL Laws and Edicts where a Chapter operates, and each Grand Jurisdiction is
         different.  Thus, potential conflicts vary by GL, but perhaps the topics at the top of the list involve recognition policies,
         meeting locations and times, alcohol, and gambling. Each GL, not NSI, defines its recognition policies, and each GL has
         a unique set of GLs it recognizes . . . or not.  Recognition differences exist primarily among foreign and Prince Hall
         Grand Lodges.  The Chapter Secretary, especially, must know the GL recognition policies for the GL where the Chapter
         meets.  This policy is subject to change annually.  Meeting location and time issues may involve a restaurant that serves
         alcohol,  vice  a  bar  that  serves  food,  and  meeting  or  activities  on a  Sunday.    Some  GLs  prohibit  any  alcohol  in  the
         meeting room, as discovered at an ANC President’s Banquet, and some are silent on the issue. Some GLs identify raffles
         as gambling (prohibited); others not so much.  During COVID-19, some GLs prohibited all Masonic activities; others
         prohibited only Lodge activities and left Appendant Bodies to their leadership.  If you think there might be a problem . .
         . ask.  As Bro. David Crockett, the namesake of our newest Chapter, said, “Be sure you are right—then go ahead.”
           Greetings from your National Bridge of Light (BOL) Committee.

                                         BRIDGE OF LIGHT COMMITTEE
                                                Charlie Odorizzi, Chairman

           We have great opportunities to build our Chapters  which in many cases is just overlooked, or at least is not used to its
         greatest potential. Those opportunities are presenting the numerous programs that National Sojourners makes available
         to you to present to your local lodges, other Masonic bodies,  as well as in your Chapter meetings.

           Most Sojourners are familiar with the  “Toast to the Flag”, or perhaps the wonderful “Building the Flag” program.
         There are so many more to choose from! In addition to those we have programs that include “Service Flags”, “History of
         the Flags”, “Folding the Flag”, “When Duty’s Done”, “By the Dawn’s Early Light”, or the “History of the Pledge of
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