Page 11 - The Lotus Aug-Sep 2020
P. 11


                     FOR THE                PEOPLE

                                                                                                                                    Write to us at
                         BY THE                                                                              

                                                                  SCHOOL DEMOCRACY

                                                                    By Simone Menezes (12C)

                                                                             Compiled by Vini Desai

        Democracy  is  the  political  system  in                                                 categories: simple, fancy and the one that

        which the members of the government of                                                    can  cause  a  myocardial  infarction.

        the country are  elected by the people for                                                Nominees  show  their  street  smartness

        the  welfare  of  the  people.  This  same                                                through  their  campaigning  strategy  by

        system of democracy can be brought down                                                   targeting  the  lowest  standard  first,

        a few notches to the system of the school                                                 considering that they are easily convinced

        council.  It  is  the  same,  but  on  a  lower                                           by  what  they  see,  and  then  the  higher

        level.  One  can  consider  it  as  a  mock                                               classes, who know that there is more than

        election  for  when  one  turns  eighteen.                                                what meets the eye. Election deals are on a

        Nomination  is  carried  out  and  those                                                  high  as  in  ‘you  campaign  for  me  and  I

        qualified, pass on to campaigning. Here is                                                campaign for you.’ Lastly, on Voting Day,

        where  the  fun  begins.  This  is  a  game  of                                           everyone  is  under  immense  pressure,

        advertising                  a        person’s                popularity.                 because they are faced with the choice of

        Nominees make all sorts of speeches and                                                   which candidate is better for the school or

        promises  to  the  students  just  like  true                                             is  the  most  popular  in  the  school.  After

        politicians,                   while               waving                 their           voting,  many  second  guess  their  choice

        campaigning  posters  in  the  air  like  some                                            while  others  are  confident.  However,  the

        sort  of  flag.  Politicians’  flyers  in  the                                            consequences of each one’s vote can only

        newspaper are extremely decent, whereas                                                   be revealed in the year to come.

        the  school  posters  are  divided  into  three

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                                                                             Photograph: Mithil Anup
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