Page 14 - The Lotus Aug-Sep 2020
P. 14
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential and even level of your workout as and when you require or
though you can’t leave your house, we’re here for feel the need to. And workout for yourself, to
you with home workouts and tips to stay fit! A better yourself, not because you feel pressured by
reminder to be extremely careful, do not blindly anybody or anything.
follow but make sure that you’re doing the exercise Linked below are two workouts that have been
correctly and not hurting yourself in any way, so tried and proven to be helpful, and we hope
take precautions and be happy :) they are of benefit to you also!
There exists a variety of exercises, each having a (Another reminder to be safe and use proper gear, if
specific strengthening effect and we recommend required )
that you do what feels best for you and your
body. Don’t push yourself too much in the
beginning, because it may result in soreness. So increase-immunity-at-home
take it easy, and gradually increase the toughness
Individual Workouts 20 push-ups LEG WORKOUT
10 burpees
10 shoulder raises
40 high knees ( you can alternate the workouts 10 back pulls 10 burpees
20 climbers 40 squats
20 side leg
40 plank leg raises on different days extensions down 20 side leg
5 pike planks 10 chest press raises
20 leg raises and start small, don’t overdo it, 20 V extensions 20 lunges
20 knee to elbow 10 windshield 20 leg press
crunches wipers 20 skater
20 reverse you can increase reps 10 superman lunges
crunches 20 donkey
20 second leg pull with time. kicks
Hope you like it! )
#VMAs2020 ~Akanksha Pai
Held on 30 august hosted by Keke
Palmer, the MTV video Music Awards WILLY WONKA’S BACK!
were conducted with not a person in
Willy Wonka has now invaded
sight due to the pandemic. The iconic
TikTok. Duke Depp, a Willy Wonka
performances by Ariana Grande and Lady
impersonator, has becoming
Gaga left everyone amazed. Watch some
famous for his remarkable
of the winners on YouTube.
resemblance to the character including his voice. This USA based
impersonator is also known for his
photography. So don’t forget to
#SaveMollem : Check out Kabir Naik’s (12A) song, check him out.
which is an attempt to create awareness about the
dire need to save our forests.
Photograph: Mithil Anup