Page 16 - The Lotus Aug-Sep 2020
P. 16
Behind the Scenes
~ Anezka Fonseca
Editor, Photographer (12 B)
My soul will always belong to the beach and hills. I spend most of
my time scrambling up some rock or observing some bird. My
bedroom wall is plastered with Post-Its displaying random quotes
and my current fancy is to own every instrument that ever was
(even though my musical skills say otherwise). Man-made
constructions in sensitive ecosystems put me off.
Co-Editor, Photographer (12 B)
Writer (11A)
Personally, I enjoy documenting anything that sparks joy -from the rays
I have a lot of interests, but it’s mainly reading, writing and
of sun filtering through my window onto my dog’s or cat’s latest sleeping
binge-watching shows. I took up writing because it helps
position, to my vegetable garden after a recent shower. On a rainy day,
keep me remain focused which isn’t easy with my short
you’d probably find me vibing to my favourite indie or folk-rock
attention span. I also have an interest in psychology but no,
playlists.Someday,I hope to leave this earth just a tad bit better than how
that doesn’t mean I can read your mind.
I found it.
Writer (11 A) Writer (12 A)
I’ve always been quite nerdy and a little feisty. In my free time, I play I specialize in keeping a straight face in conversations while
with my dog and read (mostly historical fiction). I seek adventure and simultaneously daydreaming and constantly being a clumsy
love exploring, be it a different country or just a street in my child. Besides that, I also love doing art, discussing ideas and
neighborhood. I aspire to become a lawyer and absolutely love a good
theories with my friends, writing poems and stories,
argument. My heart definitely lies with various social issues we face as a
exploring new philosophical and spiritual ideologies, running
society, such as poverty, inequality, superstitions and climate change.
long distance, doing yoga and staring at the sky.
Writer (12 A) Writer (12 A)
It is customary for me to read stories in the middle of the
When I’m not sleeping, I usually like to read, chill with my
day and sometimes my reckless, adventurous character
dogs or fling paint at canvases in hopes of a decent outcome. I
leads me into all sorts of…deadlines. I dabble in a few
sometimes bake, which I love doing and the obvious eating
hidden activities. Tap dancing, voice acting, painting,
that follows, which I also love. I’m often struck by the urge to
skydiving, fortune telling, you may take your pick. As is
sew clothes and reinvent my entire closet or do silly crafts
evident, I walk in my own reality. Astonishingly, many have
just because I feel like it or occasionally go on long walks with accused me of a temper. Somehow, all my main characters
enjoyable company and also with snacks, to survive the walk. end up prematurely dying by this clumsy pen of mine….
<Cue evil laugh!>
Writer (12 B) Writer (11 B)
I'm happiest when surrounded by sunlight, and when I'm creating- I have a strong affinity towards utopian and dystopian
whether it's art, writing, or photography. The easiest way to get into my fiction, fantasy, and mythological fiction. I’ve read the Harry
good books is to recommend good films to me, or send me your Potter series a whopping forty-one times! I’m also really
favourite 70's new wave/ disco playlists. I'm passionate about social and passionate about music, having received formal training in
environmental issues, and plan on doing something with my life that Hindustani Classical Music for ten years. An overtly
would help me make the world of a better, kinder place. inquisitive and excited human since childhood, I’ve tried
almost every sport/activity I’ve got the opportunity to!
Photographer (11 A) Photographer (11 C)
I am quite interested in photography, graphic designing, and just about My hobbies include calisthenics(working out with body
anything related to the arts and crafts. My hobbies include playing the weights), playing games, photography and cooking which I
piano and reading books, mainly Indian mythology or realistic fiction. picked up during quarantine due to boredom. I also love
My aim is to work for editorial magazines such as Vogue, Elle, Marie watching movies and videography courses on Youtube. New
Claire or GQ. technology and innovations intrigue me and I love spending
time learning about them.
Cartoonist (12 A)
Writer (12 A)
I am a computer hardware and electronics enthusiast. I enjoy
I read the Communist Manifesto when I was 13. That’s it,
working in any form of digital art, be it illustration,
that’s my defining personality trait. I also appreciate rock animation, special effects or Editing and I spend most of my
music and iced coffee. time tinkering with digital art software.
Photograph: Meera Patel