Page 15 - The Lotus Aug-Sep 2020
P. 15
When Brigette thinks back to her youth, because of the air strikes, all the exhibits quite heavy and nothing more than a
there are moments of fog followed by were moved to a safe house outside showpiece; a showpiece she didn’t know
memories, Paris, and yet, something she would need in the time to
so clear and vivid, quite a contrast to the compelled the museum officials to come.It all happened very suddenly, he
recent years. These memories are buried believe that Lumiere was safer in the was summoned back to Paris, to the
deep in the wrinkles that have formed at hands of a janitor, a modest man museum, for a week. But it was
the corners of her eyes, always there to who spent his free time making wooden much longer. Brigette badgered her
transport her to a different time-not carvings and walking aimlessly around friend’s uncle, her father, whoever would
better, not worse, just different. She was the city. Perhaps it was listen, but she felt like they
different because of his unassuming demeanor, or weren’t nearly doing enough. She
back then, younger and freer. She was maybe his quiet, simple countenance. couldn’t acknowledging how powerless
still free, it was just a different kind of For Brigette, getting to know him was a she truly was, her non-acceptance
freedom. whirlwind. She loved meeting new wasn’t making anything better. And as
Freedom: how had it changed throughout people. It was like this new she felt the uneven ridges of the wooden
her life? She was once free to explore, opportunity; a chance to define herself, block, weathering its
run around, love. Now she was free to rather than being defined by her actions grooves with her fingers, she stared at
just, be; enjoy time as it passes slowly, or the observations of the truth in disbelief-he wasn’t coming
not as it had rushed by, when she was others. It started off with just a quick hello back.
young. She thinks back to one very slow over the fence that separated Brigette’s They slapped him and asked him once
summer in 1940, during house from Julien’s . again, whether he knew about the
the war. The destruction hadn’t affected Her family and Julien’s old uncle had whereabouts of Lumiere. He just
them yet. Her town continued on, very lived side by side for as long as she stared at the red band wrapped around
much in adversity, but not could remember. So, when they their arms, with a white circle and a bold
adversely affected. They rationed their heard about Julien, they were excited to black symbol-the swastika.
food, they adhered to the curfew, and see a new face, they wanted to hear He didn’t dare breathe too loud. Julien
they lived, not in fear, but about his adventures in the heard a loud noise and then felt a
with caution. Every day was the same; great big city. It was a refreshing searing pain ignite through his
normalcy in the face of war is a privilege. distraction. chest. And then, nothing.
Her days comprised of Brigette thought that her time of trouble
helping her mother tidy the house, wash had begun. It had been long overdue,
the clothes and make the soup. And that anyways. The winter chill had
was her circle of life, of LIGHT swept the town with pneumonia, which
routine. The predictability, at a time of had claimed her mother and just like that,
uncertainty was a blessing, and yet, she she was gone. Brave, a
wasn’t happy; she wasn’t ~ Jade da Silva word that was used very often to
sad either, just, waiting. Waiting for it to describe her. A title she feel she didn’t
get to her, because she felt that was deserve. She just lived through her
inevitable. And so the quick morning greetings over circumstances. That wasn’t brave. That
And then she met him. Julien. He had left the fence became drawn out was the only thing she could do. She
Paris in the midst of all the bombings and conversations, and there they had it, a would sit on the rocks
retired to the dwelling friendship. He was the boy who had been whenever time permitted, clutching her
of his uncle. He worked as a museum to the big city; she had a lot of questions. wooden block in her hand. And then one
janitor, but the war had forced the ‘Do you think day between the well worn
shutdown of his livelihood, so he that Lumiere is actually cursed?’ Brigette ridges, she felt it, a crack. At first she just
stood in front of his uncle’s house in the asked Julien one day. ‘A diamond is thought it was the damage the wood had
narrow cobbled street of Terra-Sul, the nothing but a sustained long before
mystical town that would glistening piece of coal that has been Julien had made something of it. But on
be his home for the time being. And suppressed inside the earth for eons. It closer inspection and after some
besides all his belongings, he carried cannot harbour a prodding and twisting, it opened. It
baggage that didn’t belong to curse more than, perhaps, a stone, or a wasn’t just a block after all, not a mere
him; baggage that was bestowed upon leaf. Chance is not a curse, nor is bad showpiece. The inside was stuffed with
him, as if it was a medal of honor, and luck,' he reminded her. No one knew that scraps of cloth, and very well
not a huge responsibility. he carried it with him, the weight of its concealed within the folds of a white
Lumiere, they called it. With its curse, or its lack thereof. They’d handkerchief was the manifestation of
captivating beauty, and legend had it, all sit on the rocks, beside the sea and sunlight, as if somebody had
the bad luck it had brought to its watch the current flow, enjoying the time captured a sunray and had somehow
previous possessors. It was captivating, they had left, not oblivious to managed to hide it in a box. Lumiere.
and perhaps it was this mystique, this the trouble that was brewing on the Mystery and beauty
magnetic spirit that blinded horizon. materialized. So mystical, yet seeped in
all its possessors from seeing beyond it. Julien continued with his woodwork. It ill fortune. She felt its sharp cuts and
A yellow diamond, a shiny piece of kept him busy. He collected discarded each smooth facet, for she
carbon and nothing more, and wood that he’d find in alleys knew that this was never a situation she
yet it had been sought. People had killed and junk piles. He made some carvings could dream up. And yet she had it right
for it, fought for it, sacrificed for it, and for his uncle but the project that definitely in her palm, a treasure she
there it was, with Julien, took the most time was never sought. Its previous owners had
who had never sought it, fought for it, his project for Brigette. It was a carved been too busy admiring it, too
searched for it or ever desired it. Even in block. The wood had been scuffed and materialistic. But not her, she saw
Paris, Lumiere was a damaged when he found it, nothing but a ‘glistening piece of coal’.
harbinger of myths and rumors. Some but he managed to carve it into And so, very silently, she clutched it in
said it was an ancient stone from East something quite decent. her palm, and placed it in the
Asia. All its previous owners Brigette wasn’t expecting a gift. In the shallow water, hidden among the rocks.
were said to have committed suicide. It midst of the war, when food was so And there it stirs, Lumiere, with the
was said that anyone who touches it with scarce she couldn’t even think of current it shifts, rising and falling with the
bare hands will lose all receiving a gift. And yet, he made incessant, untiring waves.
the people they love dearly. It was the something for her. A professional by no Under the many layers of moss, fish
star of the museum Julien worked at, standards, it had its scuffs and in swim among it, snails move around it; it
looking divine as the sunlight shone places the woodwork was uneven, but dances with the rhythm of the
through it, creating mysterious reflections she believed it was the most beautiful world.
of the walls. When the museum was thing there ever was. It was
made to close down
Photograph: Mithil Anup