Page 13 - The Lotus Aug-Sep 2020
P. 13

Photograph: Meera Patel


                                                                                                                       EMERGENCY DANCE PARTY
                         WRITE A NOVEL WITH YOUR FRIENDS

                                                                                                                          •  During such times of enclosure, stress comes
               Go on a fictious adventure with your friends by writing a novel!                                              easy...

                Writing a novel is solely related to guiding your thoughts to                                             •  If you feel its weight pressing you down, call
                                                                                                                             for an "Emergency Dance Party"!
                form a picture. What better a way to do it than with friends?
                                                                                                                          •  Arrange a video call with a group of friends or
                                                                       Decide on a plot
                                                          from         and your                                           •  Share screen and device sound.
                                                        genres and     protagonist's                                      •  Unwind to some of your favourites and fling
                                                         explore       personality
                                                          ideas!       traits...                                             your arms aggressively in the air!

                     E.x: "To find                                                                                        •  You can even jam out to our Spotify playlist:
                    Scout with a sinking                                                                                  •
                       head and a lousy       Start writing
                                               a chapter
                  body, swaying with the       guided by                                                                     UeKG8bLoe1SYxu?si=wcbsGl7-
                  motion of the swing in       emotions                                                                      RqSnLVhc_ACkhg
                     the dead of nightfall
                  was unreal          ..."
                                                                        Email chapters to
                                                        Share your      your friends and
                                                         chapters       push each others
                                                        with each       boundaries to
                                                                        widen your

                                                           TAKE AN ONLINE COURSE…

                      Online courses are something you can utilise to the maximum during lockdown. Different websites, such as

                                Coursera and EdX, offer a wide range of courses from various universities around the world.

                    Take this opportunity to travel through new knowledge and open new doors to a variety of fields, whether it is

                      science, commerce or humanities. Most courses offered are free but if you do wish to obtain a certificate of
                verification stating that you have completed a particular course, some finances are required. Feel free to check some

                                                      links related to courses offered to by various colleges below!

                                         Harvard: Harvard offers a wide range of courses in heterogeneous subject areas.


                 MIT: Ranked as No.1, according to the 2021QS World Rankings, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology offers

                                                                      divergent courses for you to explore.



                                                             Stanford: Stanford, another prestigious university,

                                                        has also taken an initiative to spread knowledge to those

                                                                       interested in its variety of courses.




                     Oxford: Offering a great deal in courses, Oxford, like the others, wishes to arouse interest in those longing for
                                                                              exploring new concepts.

                                                                                                      The Lotus team would like to
                                                                                                                                                                 give credits to edX Courses,
                                                                                                                         Coursera, Harvard
                                                                                                                                                                  University, MIT, Stanford
                                                                                                                                                                University, Oxford University
                                                                                                                                                                        and Picsart.
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