Page 31 - july august2024_neat
P. 31

Propane  Delivers  Multiple  Solutions  to  Busy  Ports
            Pr  opane         Deliv    er  s   Multiple           Solutions           t o   B us   y   P orts
                                                          educe Emissions
                                   Pressed to Reduce Emissions
                                                    o R
                                       essed t
                    s emissions regulations across the country   engine competes with diesel engines on performance,
                    squeeze port operations for measurable im-   providing 270 horsepower with 565 lb-ft of torque.
                    provement, authorities are discovering that         “The demand for clean and reliable power
            Apropane can deliver immediate benefits that         in ports continues to increase, but the availability of
            other energies simply can’t match.                   infrastructure is slowing clean energy efforts,” said Jim

                   Propane use in port applications – both inland   Bunsey, senior manager of business development for
            and coastal – is growing in popularity as emissions   the Propane Education & Research Council.
            regulations and clean energy demands surge. From            “Propane is a viable solution
            light- and medium-duty vehicles to terminal tractors,
            forklifts, and commercial generators, propane is per-  because it is a clean alternative en-
            fect for powering the large-capacity loads that ports   ergy source that is readily available
            handle daily.                                        to both charge electric vehicles and

                   Many port authorities and terminal operators   power other applications in ports.”
            are starting air quality compliance initiatives by up-      Even as electric vehicles become more prev-
            grading their diesel equipment with alternatives like   alent in port operations, EV infrastructure availability
            propane- and electric-powered cargo handling equip-  and cost have greatly hindered adoption. Propane
            ment.                                                offers attractive off-grid charging solutions.

                   Propane-powered terminal tractors cost sig-          Capable of charging electric medium-sized
            nificantly less than electric units and have readily avail-  vehicles, forklifts and yard tractors, mobile genera-
            able refueling infrastructure. Plus, during real-world   tors allow users to take the power where it’s needed
            testing, propane-powered terminal tractors proved to   without costly infrastructure updates. Propane-pow-
            be 99% cleaner than diesel counterparts without any   ered mobile charging units are a cost-effective and
            drop-off in payload or power.                        low emissions strategy to immediately provide clean
                   In 2022, researchers collected and evaluated   energy power to on-road vehicles, reach stackers, top
            data from two port tractors – one powered by propane   handlers, forklifts, terminal tractors, and more.
            and the other powered by diesel – performing nor-           With power generation technology advance-
            mal operations throughout the terminal. The results   ments, port authorities can purchase powerful mobile
            confirmed the propane-powered tractor yielded 99     charging infrastructure for vehicle classes 1-8, ranging
            percent fewer NOx composite and idle emissions than   from 90 to 400kW. These units are powered by pro-
            the diesel tractor. Additionally, the propane tractor   pane generators, which are about 98% cleaner than
            produced 77.5% fewer THC idle emissions, 14% fewer   diesel units.
            brake-specific carbon dioxide emissions, and 75% few-
            er TPM emissions than its diesel counterpart.               “Mobile charging units are a strong invest-
                                                                 ment for terminal operators and businesses alike
                   Those study results helped drive the Port New-  because you can take them where you need,” said
            ark Container Terminal authorities decide to replace   Bunsey. “You’re not stuck in one place, so fleets and
            their diesel fleet with propane yard tractors to cut   infrastructure can evolve with the business.”
            emissions and meet environmental goals.
                                                                        With local, state, and federal grants available
                   Manufactured by MAFI and powered by Power     for port upgrades such as propane-powered terminal
            Solutions International’s 8.8-liter propane engine,   equipment, refueling and recharging infrastructure —
            these propane yard tractors are more than 90%        along with provisions included in the latest infrastruc-
            cleaner than mandated U.S. Environmental Protec-     ture bill — the cost of compliance is more manage-
            tion Agency standards and certified to the optional   able than ever.■
            ultra-low NOx emissions standard. Plus, the propane

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