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NPGA corner

            CFATS Cybersecurity Incident
                   On Friday, June 21, the Department of Home-
            land Security (DHS) notified stakeholders that the
            Chemical Security Assessment Tool (CSAT), adminis-
            tered by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security
            Agency (CISA), was the target of a cybersecurity intru-
            sion by a malicious actor. CISA informed NPGA that
            while its investigation found no evidence of extraction
            of data, the cybersecurity intrusion may have result-
            ed in the potential unauthorized access of Chemical
            Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) program
            and personnel data. Consequently, CISA’s notification   state government entities on NPGA’s member dash-
            to stakeholders was out of an abundance of caution.    board under the Propane Buses tab.
            Register for here for a CISA webinar at 2: 30 PM ET on
            July 9.                                                    Questions? Contact NPGA Director of Regula-
                                                                tory Affairs Kate Gaziano.■
                   Questions? Please contact Vice President of
            Regulatory & Industry Affairs Benjamin Nussdorf.■   Groundbreaking U.S. Supreme Court Decision
                                                                Sharply Limits the Power of Federal Regulatory
            CFI Grant Application Still Open
                   The Federal Highway Administration has              In a major decision Friday, June 28, 2024, the
            announced the availability of $1.3 billion through   United States Supreme Court in Loper Bright Enterpris-
            the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretion-  es v. Raimondo sharply limited the power of federal
            ary Grant Program to strategically deploy alternative   regulatory agencies to interpret Congressional stat-
            fueling infrastructure projects (including propane) in   utes, finding that courts may not defer to an agency’s
            urban and rural communities in publicly accessible lo-  interpretation of the law simply because a statute
            cations, including downtown areas and local neighbor-  is ambiguous. In doing so, the 6-3 Supreme Court
            hoods, particularly in underserved and disadvantaged   majority overturned the Chevron v. Natural Resources
            communities. Additionally, more than $520 million is   Defense Council case and decades-old legal precedent
            reserved for some unselected first-round applicants   that required courts to defer to the expertise of federal
            who may now be reconsidered for the current round   administrators in interpreting laws passed by Congress.
            of funding. FHWA will contact unselected round 1    Chevron required courts to defer to the agency if it
            applicants but please feel free to pass this information   had offered “a permissible construction of the statute,”
            along to any entities that applied last year. Previously   even if it was not “the reading the court would have
            unselected applicants needed to request that FHWA   reached if the question initially had arisen in a judicial
            reconsider previously submitted applications by July 1,   proceeding.”
                                                                       As Chief Justice John Roberts wrote, the Chev-
                   New applications must be submitted electron-
            ically through no later than 11:59 p.m.,   ron framework was “unworkable” and “fundamentally
            Eastern Time, on August 28, 2024. Eligible applicants   misguided” and allowed federal agencies to change
            include states, local governments, special purpose   course even without direction from Congress.
            districts or public authorities with a transportation      This decision will spur extensive legal chal-
            function, including port authorities, Indian tribes, and   lenges to regulations issued by federal agencies across
            U.S. Territories.                                   industries all across the country. Going forward, the
                                                                Supreme Court’s decision will only afford federal
                   NPGA has compiled a list of every federal-   agencies a diminished level of deference by courts in
            ly-designated Autogas refueling corridor in each state,   an agency’s interpretation of laws, where courts will
            an FAQ on the program, and letter to send to local and
                                                                only follow agency interpretation after independently

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