Page 35 - july august2024_neat
P. 35

South Dakota Transit Agencies Lead

                                      the State in Clean Fuel

              n May 2024, I had the opportunity to visit Spearfish,
              South Dakota, to enjoy the unveiling of the state’s
              first-ever propane buses. We celebrated not one,
           Ibut two, transit agencies that have made the fiscally
            sound and environmentally responsible decision to
            integrate propane vehicles into their fleet.
                   “The new propane vehicles
            will have a positive impact on the
            environment because they reduce

            harmful emissions, especially when
            compared to our gasoline and diesel

            vehicles,” Gayle Kludt, People's Transit
                                                                       Both agencies adopted the ROUSH CleanTech
                   “The new propane vehicles will have a posi-  Ford E-450 cutaway chassis. It’s the only propane
            tive impact on the environment because they reduce   vehicle that has completed the Federal Transit Admin-
            harmful emissions, especially when compared to our   istration’s New Model Bus Testing Program (“Altoona
            gasoline and diesel vehicles,” said Gayle Kludt, execu-  Testing”), which allows transit agencies to access fed-
            tive director of People’s Transit in Huron, South Dakota.   eral funds that cover 85% of the entire alternative fuel
            People’s Transit will operate six propane vehicles, tran-  vehicle cost with a 15% local match. Additional funding
            sitioning 80% of its in-town fleet to propane this year.  incentives from the alternative tax fuel credit and pro-
                                                                pane providers help keep ongoing fuel costs low.
                   The move to propane by People’s Transit and
            Prairie Hills Transit was incredibly exciting to witness.      Propane is an excellent al-
            The communities are very much connected to it, and I   ternative fuel for South Dakota
            had the privilege of seeing that connection firsthand.   because the transit agencies are
            While in Spearfish, I met a wonderful gentleman who
            has been a long-time rider with Prairie Hills. He was   required to cover large geographic
            thrilled about having access to clean buses and clean   regions and navigate harsh weath-
            air because he uses the routes for everything from   er conditions. As we know, propane
            doctor appointments to grocery store trips.         vehicles have a very long range

                   With more than 50 community members,         and can easily start up in temps up
            lawmakers, regulators and reporters joining us for the
            unveiling, there was quite a buzz in Spearfish. Guest   to negative 40°F.
            speakers included the mayor of Spearfish, U.S. sena-
            tor Thune and the secretary of transportation for the      Although these are the first in the state of
            South Dakota Department of Transportation.          South Dakota, there are dozens of transit agencies
                                                                across the U.S. operate propane buses, making it the
                   “Prairie Hills Transit is on the cutting edge of   leading alternative fuel for the industry.■
            public transit operation with these new propane buses
            and propane fueling infrastructure. We’ve done exten-            Source: Chelsea Uphaus is the director
            sive research and believe that the use of propane is an          of marketing for ROUSH CleanTech.
            excellent way to reduce emissions,” said Barbara Cline,          Uphaus establishes ROUSH Cleantech
                                                                             as a leader in the advanced clean
            executive director of Prairie Hills Transit in Spearfish,        mobility industry through brand posi-
            South Dakota. Prairie Hills Transit will operate six pro-        tioning and brand activation plans. To
            pane vehicles, which is 10% of its fleet.                        learn more, visit

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