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evaluating an agency’s thoroughness, validity, and con-
            sistency in interpreting statutes. Former U.S. Solicitor
            General Paul Clement, who argued in favor of over-
            turning Chevron, remarked that “the Court’s decision
            puts to rest an interpretive methodology that has seri-
            ously distorted how the political branches operate for
            far too long. Courts should ask what the law means,
            not whether it is ambiguous, and in close cases, the tie
            should go to the citizen, not the government. We are
            gratified that the Court restored the constitutionally
            mandated separation of powers.”
                   The propane industry is governed by an ex-
            tensive network of federal regulatory agencies whose
            actions and regulations will be impacted by this ruling.
            Our legal and regulatory team will continue to analyze      As of the 2022 PERC sales report, California
            the decision and its impact on our industry and the   was the largest propane market in the country, with
            regulations that govern it.                         539 million gallons of fuel sold. For more information,
                                                                contact NPGA’s Director of State Affairs, Jacob Peter-
                   Questions? Contact Director of Regulatory    son.■
            Affairs and Associate General Counsel Kate Gaziano.■
                                                                NPGA Partners with Staples to Offer Total Coffee
            California Moves to Ban Propane Forklifts
                   Last week, the California Air Resources Board       NPGA is pleased to announce a new mem-
            (CARB) passed a new regulation that will prohibit the   ber benefit with Staples: Total Coffee Program. 44%
            production and sale of large, spark-ignited (LSI) forklifts   of employees say that a selection of coffee, tea,
            for the California market beginning in 2026. In addi-  and water is the in-office perk they want the most.
            tion, this rule requires fleet managers (starting in 2026   Now you can easily provide this benefit with a FREE
            or 2028 depending on fleet size) to retire their LSI   brewing system from Staples. Brewers and installation
            forklifts currently in operation on a set schedule, based   are provided at no cost; simply buy your breakroom
            on the model year of production.
                                                                products from Staples. Staples offer a variety of brew-
                   Both the ban on new sales and the fleet      ing systems to meet your needs whether you have
            phase-out requirements will affect forklifts powered   5 employees or 500, and loads of coffees, teas, hot
            by propane, and the companies who rely on them.     chocolate, and more! See the flyer for full details.
            Propane-powered forklifts are utilized by businesses       NPGA members who participate in the
            large and small to meet their unique material handling   Staples Business Advantage Program receive free
            needs in a reliable, clean, and cost-effective manner.
                                                                shipping on all orders, industry-low pricing on paper
                   Colin Sueyres, Executive Director of the West-  and ink/toner, 3% savings on orders over $250, and
            ern Propane Gas Association (WPGA), has been direct-  exclusive monthly deals and offers. This program
            ly engaged and working to combat this regulation since   allows one-stop shopping for key essentials like fur-
            it was first proposed. “This vote will not be the end of   niture and breakroom supplies, procurement service
            the fight for our industry,” said Sueyres. “We are evalu-  for unique or hard-to-find items, and much more!
            ating litigation strategies with legal experts on the best      Not receiving Staple benefits? You can con-
            course of action in the court to respond to CARB, and   tact Christine Hutcherson to get set up.■
            are going to engage with elected officials at the state
            and federal level on how they can respond. We are not
            going anywhere and will protect businesses and cus-
            tomers from the cost impact of this forced transition.”

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