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                                                                                        Be Sure
                                 Propane                                               To Have

                                 Gas                                                 Some On

                                 Association                                           Hand

                                       “New Customer Kit”

             TheAlabama Propane GasAssociation continues to offer New Customer Kits. The price per kit is $1.60.
             The kit contains: 1) Propane Safety Booklet with scratch and sniff; 2) Propane Prices: What Consumers
             Should Know; 3)Alabama Duty to Notify-only in Alabama kits; 4) How to Read Your Propane Percentage
             Gauge; and 5)Acknowledgment of Receipt Form. The front of the folder can be personalized by placing
             your business card in the slots plus you can addcompany marketinginformationon theinside oppositethe
             safety information.

             Company Name: ________________________________________________________________________

             Contact Name: _________________________________________________________________________

             Street Address: _________________________________________________________________________

             City, State, Zip: ________________________________________________________________________

             Telephone Number: ______________________________________________________________________

                                 1 Box = 125 Kits   (Minimum order: 1 Box)

                    ________________    X   $200.00    =                  _______________
                         # of boxes                             Total Cost (tax & shipping to be added)

                        Payment Method:

                                   ___MC          ___VISA  ___AMX   ___DISCOVER
                          Name on Card:__________________________________________________
                          Card Number:____________________________  Exp.  Date______________
                          Card Billing Zip Code:____________   CVV#:_________________________

                                              Return Order Form to:

                                      FAX 334-358-9520

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