Page 15 - Vienna Meeting Materals October 4, 2015 b
P. 15
Discussion Materials

1. Marketing and Market Positioning

AILFN is an organization that seeks to promote regional and global networks as the most cost
effective and efficient model for conducting global business. It already has significant resources
that can be immediately deployed to reach these objectives.

Marketing is about the collection and organization of information, developing resources,
defining a strategy, and deploying the resources to achieve the tactical objectives. Listed below
are a few of the initial elements of the information collection, plan development, and process
implementation to achieve AILFN’s 2018 objective set out below.

Status 2015 2016 2017 2018

1 Big Law Vereins Vereins Law Firm Networks
2 Vereins Big Law Law Firm Networks Vereins
3 Big 4 Law Firm Networks Big Law Big Law
4 Law Firm Networks Big4 Big 4 Big 4
5 Other Other Other Other

Law Firm Network (LFN) - Marketing the Network Model
Identifying the Markets for Information – Who needs to know about AILFN?

Level AILFN (Level A Internal) Non-AILFN (Level B External)
Primary AILFN Members
Potential Members Law Network Executives, Network Members,
Secondary Boards, Staff, Competitors
All other networks Corporate counsel, the legal business
Tertiary community such as consultants, publishers,
associations, product and service providers,
and the legal industry media.
Global Legal Profession

See charts below.

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