P. 7

Theme 3:

        Create a Clear Strategy for Teaching and Learning Technologies

        Who are the main leads and what do they need to do?

               Staff, students, and parents all require access to appropriate information technology services in order to
               enhance teaching and learning. Primary leaders are the Heads of School, Academic Team, and Head of
               Digital Learning. It is critical that teaching and learning strategies are clearly defined and communicated
               at the conclusion of each session to allow for adequate scrutiny prior to the start of the new academic

        Recommendation Summary
            ●  To continue identifying the most significant technological advancements in teaching and learning
               for both online and hybrid instruction.

            ●  Determine  the  extent  to  which  school  learning  spaces  must  be  adapted  to  accommodate
               changing teaching models.
            ●  Invest in and prioritise the installation of technology and equipment for learning spaces.
            ●  Provide teachers and students with resources for storing and sharing information.
            ●  Contribute to the assessment of learning outcomes and alumina success by allowing students to

               create an electronic portfolio of their academic experiences.
            ●  Determine the type and source of data necessary to support curriculum mapping, accreditation,
               and assessment of learning outcomes.

        Key Benefits to the school

            ●  Standardizes and facilitates the adoption of instructional technologies; enhances collaboration between
               students and faculty.
            ●  Assures  that  instructional  technology  in  the  classroom  and  lab/Hub  complement  the  teaching
               experience. Assists students in achieving success by creating a permanent record of their experiences
               that will follow them throughout their academic growth and beyond graduation.
            ●  Provides data to aid in the improvement of instructional methods and student success rates
            ●  Increases the success rate at the end of exams year (Checkpoint, IGCSE, Foundation, A-Level).

        IT STRATEGIC FOCUS FOR 2021-2025                                                                           7
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