Page 7 - WMP_Neat
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            The Wildlife Management Plan (hereinafter referred to as the WMP) is defined as the detailed
            processes and procedures  of  proposed mitigation measures  designed to  mitigate (control  or
            reduce) the predicted impacts of development projects (e.g. highways, mining, housing and dams)
            on wildlife protected under the Wildlife Conservation Act 2010 [Act 716] and their habitats
            (including salt licks and other specific wildlife species requirements) in a more organised, efficient,
            and comprehensive manner for the purpose of conservation and optimal protection of fauna and
            their habitats. The WMP is a living document and adaptive where amendments and adjustments
            can be made while it is implemented throughout the project. The proposed mitigation measures
            can be revised according to current needs to improve wildlife and habitat management.

                    PERHILITAN has adopted the WMP since 2015 as a compulsory document prepared by a
            proponent after approval of an EIA report. Since the WMP is part of EMP, the WMP document
            needs to be prepared and approved along with the EMP before a project can begin. The
            management and approval of the WMP document and monitoring of its implementation shall be
            conducted by PERHILITAN.

                    The WMP is a continuous process of EIA adopted by PERHILITAN to ensure the protection
            of wildlife in Malaysia. Since the wildlife study process for an EIA project has been decoupled from
            the DOE, the consultant/ subject specialist have to do the study process of WIS and preparation
            and submission of  WMP reports, on the other end approval of reports fall under the jurisdiction of
            PERHILITAN. With this delegation of power from DOE soon, PERHILITAN will finally has the power
            to enforce compliance with WMP under Act 127.


            The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) described in the Guidance Document for Preparation
            and Submission of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) (DOE, 2010) is as follows;

            …. “EMP translates the EIA approval conditions into action. The EMP is neither a report of another
            study nor a document which is descriptive in character. As a contrast, the EMP document states in
            explicit terms what actions will be taken, what measures will be instituted, what structures will be
            built, what will be installed, when the actions will be executed; etc. in order for the project activities
            to be compliant with the EIA approval conditions. The EMP is a concrete plan of action which is
            explicit, illustrative, action-oriented, time-bound and definitive. Even though the EMP exhibits all of
            the above characteristics, the EMP is by nature, a living document which needs to be revised and
            updated when there exist certain circumstances which demand changes to be made. These factors
            may include changes to project details and surrounding areas and inadequacy of the control
            measures to comply with regulatory standards”.

                    WMP  is  prepared  and  presented  as  part  of  the  EMP  report.  In  some  instances,  it  was
            separated (based on requests during EIATRC meetings and the nature of the project). WMP is
            catered only for wildlife (and their habitats), with review and approval of the report done by
            PERHILITAN. However, the overall approval of EMP still falls under the jurisdiction of DOE (Figure
            1.1). Because of similarities in the process for both EMP and WMP, several important steps need to
            be considered while preparing WMP/EMP report, as follows (see Figure 1.2);

             (i) the project proponent  (ii) for each approval   (iii) to compute   (iv) the project proponent needs to
             and the consultant     condition, whether    an estimated cost  be briefed thoroughly on the
             tasked to prepare the   administrative or    to be incurred for  executable actions to be undertaken
             EMP should study and   physical, identify    each of the       and the cost implication. The
             understand each EIA    actions required to be  executable      proponent also needs to declare that
             approval condition;    executed in order to   actions, and     all the actions stipulated in the WMP
                                    comply with them;                       will be implemented.

                                                     GUIDANCE DOCUMENT FOR PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION OF WILDLIFE
                                                    MANAGEMENT PLAN (WMP) IN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA)  03
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