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ACTION                                        ACTION
                            Study EIA approval                            Translate conditions into EMP
                    STEP    conditions                          STEP      preparer executable actions
                   01       ACTION By                          02         ACTION By
                                                                          EMP preparer
                            EMP preparer

                            ACTION                                        ACTION
                            Prepare cost estimate                         Make declaration
                   STEP                                         STEP
                  03        ACTION By                          04         ACTION By
                                                                          Project proponent
                            EMP preparer

                         Figure 1.2: : Important steps that need to be considered while preparing
                                        WMP/EMP reports (Adopted from DOE).

            1.3 WHO WILL PREPARE WMP                           1.4 PURPOSE OF THE GUIDANCE
            Since the WMP is a part of EMP and contributes     DOCUMENT
            to the EIA process, thus it shall be prepared by
            a Qualified Person only after DOE approves an      This Guidance Document for Preparation and
            EIA. Since WMP is a legal requirement for          Submission of a Wildlife Management Plan
            activities prescribed under Section 34A Act        (WMP) (hereinafter referred to as Guidance
            127, it specifies that any person intending to     Document) is prepared to guide Project
            carry out any project activities is required to    Proponents, Qualified Persons, and other
            appoint a Qualified Person to conduct a WMP        wildlife-related   practitioners    in     the
            under EMP and to submit a report to the            preparation and submission of WMP reports
            Director General of PERHILITAN.                    to produce quality reports in a timely manner.
                                                               The Guidance Document serves not only as
            The criteria for approval as a Qualified Person    the primary guidance and resource document
            to conduct a Wildlife Study for EIA and WMP        for Project Proponents and Qualified Persons
            are as follows.                                    (consultants) but also as a useful reference for
                                                               project compliance monitoring authorities
             an individual who has been registered under       and the relevant stakeholders. Compliance
             the EIA Consultant Registration Scheme with       with the requirements in this Guidance
          i  the DOE (see Guidance Document on EIA             Document will fulfil the Project Proponent’s
             Consultant Registration Scheme, 2019),            obligation stated under the new amendment.
                                                               This Guidance Document clearly explains the
             registered as Subject Consultant under only       requirements to  be complied with at each
             ONE area of expertise, either Terrestrial         stage of the WMP procedure: Preparation of
             Fauna, Forestry or Aquatic Ecology (see
          ii                                                   WMP report (see also Figure 1.2), WMP report
             Guidance Document on EIA Consultant               submission, WMP report review and approval,
             Registration Scheme, 2019),                       and  WMP  monitoring  and  compliance  (see
                                                               next chapter). Strict adherence to the
             attended the Induction Course for Wildlife        stipulated requirements will produce quality
             Impact Study (WIS) and Wildlife                   WMP reports that can be processed and
             Management Plan (WMP) consultants offered         approved by the Department of Wildlife and
             by PERHILITAN, and                                National Parks (PERHILITAN) confidently and
                                                               within the stipulated period. It also avoids
             approved by PERHILITAN as a Qualified             costly implications due to the need to submit
             Person to conduct wildlife studies for EIA        additional information before making a final
             and WMP.                                          decision on the WMP reports.

            In this Guidance Document, the terms               Moreover, the Guidance Document presented
            Qualified Person and WMP Consultant are            here is designed to improve the effectiveness
            used interchangeably. A general overview of        in the preparation of the WMP Report
            the EIA and WMP procedure in Peninsular            through:
            Malaysia is illustrated in Figure 1.1, while the
            details are discussed in Chapters 3 and 4.

                                                     GUIDANCE DOCUMENT FOR PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION OF WILDLIFE
                                                    MANAGEMENT PLAN (WMP) IN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA)  05
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