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Chapter 5: Mitigation Measures

                Mitigation of impacts is the stage to determine the possible preventive, remedial or compensatory
                measures for each of the adverse impacts identified. The measures for mitigation include
                prevention, control, rehabilitation and compensation. A detailed field evaluation of the impact on
                wildlife is described in Chapter 7 and the Guidance Document on WMP for EIA.

                                Table 8.1. Format structure of the Wildlife Impact Study Report.

                       Chapter                                          Details

                    Chapter 1:                            •   Provides an introduction, covering a brief project
                    Introduction                              description, objectives, scope and structure.

                    Chapter 2:                            •   Describes an overview of project planning and
                    Method Statements                         approaches  to  integrate the Wildlife Impact
 Chapter 1:                                                   Study process.
 Introduction                                             •   Outlines the necessary  requirements for the
                                                              project cycle and integration of Wildlife Impact
                                                              Study into project planning; and important
                                                              principles for managing a Wildlife Impact Study.
                                                          •   Provides a concise review of legislations and
                                                              policies relevant to national and state park
                                                              development and how they relate to the Wildlife
                                                              Impact Study process.
                                                          •   Identifies  appropriate   and    standard   field
                                                              methods, study design and analysis, before
                                                              conducting the Wildlife Impact Study.

                    Chapter 3:                            •   Provides an outline of the relevant baseline
                    Baseline Data                             information, such as major findings of wildlife
                                                              highlighted in the Wildlife Impact Study Report
                                                              and gathered elsewhere from the field and other
                                                              reports, as well as interviews that were found to
                                                              be associated with the Wildlife Impact Study.

                    Chapter 4:                            •   Provides the methodology and tools to identify,
                    Evaluation of Impacts                     predict, evaluate and assess the possible impacts
                                                              on wildlife.
                                                          •   The  predicted  impacts  are  divided  into  three
                                                              phases: during pre-construction, construction
                                                              and operation phases.

                    Chapter 5:                            •   Identify practical measures to  minimise the
                    Mitigation Measures                       potentially negative impacts arising from the
                                                              project’s development; and the types of measures
                                                              to manage any residual impacts.

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