Page 149 - Des Pawson "Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices"
P. 149
Fireman’s Chair Knot
This was used in the past by the fire
service to lower people from a
building, one loop fitting under the
arms the other under the legs. Made
mainly without resort to the rope
ends, this is quick way of making a
pair of adjustable loops that may then
be locked into place. The short end
must be tied off as a bowline before
any strain is put on the chair knot.
1 Make two half hitches with the same
crossing, as if you were to be making a
clove hitch method # 1 (see page 104).
2 Pull the inner part of the left hitch under
and up through the right hitch, while at
the same time pulling the inner part of the
right hitch over and down the left hitch,
giving two “ears.”
3 Lock the end by making a half hitch to
the right.
4 Lock the other side by making a half hitch
to the left.
5 Finish off by tying the short end to the
long end as in a bowline.