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As a believer, you are authorized and empowered by God to prosper
financially and in every way. The bible tells us, ‘But you shall
remember the Lord your God for it is He that gives you power to get
wealth…’ (Dt.8:18).
It is vital that you realize that God wants you to do well in life; that
he wants you to prosper abundantly. Putting it bluntly, he wants
you to be rich. See the Living Bible translation of Isaiah 1:19:
If you will only let me help you, if you will only obey, then I will
make you rich
You see God is not against you being rich, rather he blesses you to
be rich. The bible declares that the blessings of the Lord, IT maketh
rich (Pr.10:20). Actually, God so wants you rich that he has already
made an everlasting sacrifice for you to be rich:
2Corinthians 8:9
You know how full of love and kindness our Lord Jesus was: though
he was so very rich, yet to help you he became so very poor, so that
by being poor he could make you rich.
Jesus became poor that you might be made rich. He ALREADY has
made you rich. Declare it. The plan of God is that as you walk in
him from day to day, each day would express and reveal what he
has done from glory to glory. The problem with riches is in
pursuing it, for it was NEVER meant to be pursued; only God
should be pursued and sought.