P. 5

                   One of the reasons we are so prone to behave this way is because we

                   are not consistent in testifying about the goodness that God did in

                   our lives. Sometimes we even feel we don’t have powerful testimonies.

                   We must realise that even our salvation was a massive work of

                   deliverance – it was not an easy thing to bring you out of darkness

                   and translate you into the kingdom of His dear Son. You ought to talk

                   about this with passion.

                   Think about the times when he made provision for you. Think about

                   how you got your job or passed that examination, or got healed etc.

                   Let these things get your heart stirred up to see that since he did this,

                   whatever the need you are facing now, it is bread for you.

                   It is vital to think big and not limit God. Rid yourself from a

                   grasshopper complex, that does not factor God into what you face or

                   have to do. Understand that God wants you to lend to nations; stop

                   thinking survival. Don’t just think about owning a car to take you and

                   your family to church, think rather about how you’d take your entire

                   street to church. You may start with a car, but be sure, as you walk

                   with God you are being prepared for the world to be a deliverer and

                   helper to it.

                            Can you just take some time to think back and write down on a

                            piece of paper some notable things that God has worked in your

                            life and in the life of your loved ones?
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