P. 6
Now transfer those things into a journal and keep it as a memorial.
Think back also, have there been times when you faced something
or had a need and you became very fidgety because you did not
know how to meet it?
You obviously did not die, what happened?
Are you in a situation like that now?
Have you tried giving God praise as you factor the fact that since
he helped you before this would be as nothing?
Think deep about your life, are you limiting what God can do or
bring you into in anyway?
A Confession & Prayer:
Father I am so glad that you are the one who is my help. Thank you
because you have been my help in ages past now you are my hope for
years to come. Your plans for me are plans of greatness to bring me to
an expected end. I align my thoughts to your plans. I refuse to plan
small and think small. There are no limits to what God can
accomplish for me. There are no limits to what I can accomplish by
God in this life in Jesus Name. Amen!!!
Suggested Scripture Reading:
Morning reading //Mark 8:1-38
Evening reading //1Corinthians 8:1-13