P. 4
The Bible shows us that they limited the limitless God
Use your imagination for a moment, from your understanding of
todays world, which nations economy would be used to compare
to theirs had they gone in to take the land?
Is there a nation in the world today that is described as a land of
milk and honey?
What would their security have been like, as a land that God cares
How sad. When God would have made them a massive world power –
a nation of conquerors and great economic stability and influence,
they limited Him to just providing meat and water for them in the
wilderness. They could have not just been a nation competing in the
world market, they would have been the leaders of the market place.
How did this tragedy take place?
It was by their thinking. They limited God first in their thinking and
that is how we limit God too. The bible says they did not remember
how he delivered and helped them from the enemy in Egypt. The
thing is that they did not take into consideration ALL that God did in
Egypt when they heard and saw the giants in the land of promise.
This is exactly what often happens to us when we face a challenge.
Instead of remembering the help that God did in our lives and
considering from that position that this current situation would be
no different, we begin to cry and run from pillar to post.