Page 123 - booklet draft
P. 123

c)     Energy Consumption vs Energy Charges:

                    Andhra Pradesh TRANSCO                            Telangana TRANSCO

           Open Access Status:

           Electrical Traction Distribution has initiated the process for the Open
           Access from power supply utilities through REMCL to get power at a
           cheaper rate. For this, Availability Based Tariff meters installation and

           SCADA (Supervisory Communication and Data Acquisition) system has
           been processed with TRANSCO. Total Rs. 16.86 crores has been paid to
           TRANSCOs for providing ABT meters and 1.3 crores has been paid for
           Data Acquisition System.

           TSS wise Status of ABT meter work:

           ABT meters erection work is envisage going for open access. 21 Crores

           Payment made to SEBs. The status of work at different TSS is enumerated

                                                                              Status  of   Any      other
             S.    Name       of  Stat   Status of ABT  Provision of E-1      related      related
             No    the TSS        e      meters            Channel            Civil        works
             .                                                                works  @
                                                                              TSS          started

                                         Tender                                            Equipment
                   Kondapalli            floated     for  Commissioned  Complet            erection
              1                    AP
                   (KI)                  ABT  meters  by BZA Division         ed           work
                                         by APSEB.                                         completed

                                         Meters                                            Equipment
                   Bonakalu              tendering                            Complet      erection
              2                     TS
                   (BKL)                 work  under  Commissioned  ed                     work
                                         progress          on 15.05.2020                   completed

                   Dornakallu                              Commissioned  Complet
              3                     TS   Meters                                            Equipment
                   (DKJ)                 tendering         on 09.05.2020      ed           erection
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