Page 195 - booklet draft
P. 195

vi   Breach of Block Rules                      0             0                0
                   vii  Passing Signal at Danger                   2             0                0
               2 Yard/ Other train incidents                       4             1                0
               3 Unusual Incidents                                 0             0                0
                                                    TOTAL          6             1                0


               1.Train Accidents: 02

              SlN                          Cause,  Casualties,                        Status/Penalty
              o    Brief description of  Cost  of  damages                            imposed
                   accident                & Committee              Responsibility
              1    On     15.09.20     at  Both  LP  &  ALP  Primary:Sri              Reduction  to  a
                   about 08.54 hrs, Tr.  were        not    alert   Deepu             lower  post  of  ALP
                   No.  UP    BCN’E’  before  the  starter          Kachhap,          on       pay       Rs.
                   Goods           while  signal  &  failed  to     LP/G/ KZJ         19,900/-    in    Pay
                   approaching        Up  ensure       stopping                       Matrix Level-2 (7th
                   main  line  starter  short of  the signal,                         PC) for a period of
                   signal(S-3)  of  PDPL  thus  caused  the                           Two  years where
                   station  failed  to  SPAD.                                         the     period      of
                   control  his  train  Casualties - Nil                              reduction        shall
                   and  passed  the  Cost of damages -                                operate            to
                   starter  signal  at  Nil                                           postpone       future
                   “ON”              and                                              increments of pay
                   stopped          after  Committee:          Sr                     and  seniority  after
                   passing    at  a  DME/Co, Sr DSO &                                 restoration”
                   distance            of  Sr DSTE.
                   179.60mts.                                                         Reduction to initial

                                                                    Sri     Supriyo   pay       Rs.19,900/-
                                                                    Chatterje,ALP     pay matrix Level 2
                                                                    /RDM              (7th  CPC)  for  a
                                                                                      period     of   TWO
                                                                                      (02)  years,  where
                                                                                      the     period      of
                                                                                      reduction        shall
                                                                                      operate            to
                                                                                      postpone       future
                                                                                      increments          of
              2    On  23.02.2021  at  The LP & ALP were  Primary: Sri  M
                   09.25  hrs,  Tr.  No.  not      alert   while    Prathap,          Compulsory
                   02592  Exp  passed  approaching                  LP/P/SC           retirement.
                   Intermediate            routing        starter
                   Starter  Signal  S-19 signal      S19     and  Sri          Anuj   Reduction to initial
                   at  E  cabin/  KZJ  in   passed  the  said  kumar,             Sr   pay  Rs.19,900/- in
                   Danger        aspect  signal    at  “ON’  ALP/SC                   pay  matrix  Level-
                   and stopped after  and  thus  caused                               2,  for  a  period  of
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